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Post 141

Researcher 825122

You too!! I like to be in the passenger seat, or in the back, looking out of the window and whoosh ... there I go again totally lost in thought. And don't dare to speak to me! I abhor talkative drivers.

I also got it on the bike. Sometimes I cannot even remember how I arrived! smiley - laugh


Post 142


smiley - laugh I don't ride bike either. Actually I can fall from my two feet also. Just out of blue. That doesn't happen often though. smiley - winkeye


Post 143

Researcher 825122

Really? Why? What's happening?


Post 144


Well, I don't pay much attention on my step and sometimes I have bad sense of balance. But mostly it's just that I forget myself staring at something and walking turns kinda unimportant. smiley - silly


Post 145

Researcher 825122

smiley - biggrin

Yes, hats funny.

So you forget your body?


Post 146


Somewhat. But not for long. As soon as I hit the ground I'll be reminded about it.


Post 147

Researcher 825122

smiley - biggrin That's gravity for you!


Post 148


smiley - laugh Yeah, and I have not once missed the ground yet. smiley - wah


Post 149

Researcher 825122

smiley - erm I blame that Newton. One really needs to be silly bastard to invent something like gravity. If it wasn't for him we still would be floating in the air, happy as Larry!


Post 150


Yes! It's all his fault! smiley - zoom

Now it's -15C here, very smiley - brr I'd say. I wonder how I managed to survive -35C once... Two years ago.


Post 151

Researcher 825122

smiley - smiley Yes, I suddenly remembered. It was a cold winter 2002-2003!

Spring began early that year ... I was sunbathing in the backgarden at a friends house early in the month of March. And it stayed that way as well. A terrific summer was 2003.


Post 152


We had still snow in March, even in April. smiley - erm


Post 153

Researcher 825122

How strange... Spring was really warm and hot in 2003 in Holland ... smiley - erm Wait! Let me think. Perhaps I'm exaggerating. The backgarden faces south ... and is totally protected from any wind coming in from any odd angle.
smiley - smiley Yes, I can remember it being officially 12 degrees somewhere in february, but it felt like 20! I was out in shorts sunbathing my legs. (They always fail to get brown, since I mostly wear trousers also in summer).
I can only recall permanent sunshine from February until late autumn. I was quite tanned. I remember camping wild in the south near the Belgian border. Once home a member of my family openend the door, looked at me and said she hadn't recognized me 'cause I looked like a gypsy. smiley - biggrin O la la, I didn't mind that!


Post 154


I think the winter returned here in the end of February/beginning of March or so. I am very sure we still (or maybe again) had some snow in April.


Post 155

Researcher 825122

smiley - erm It can be like that overhere as well. At the moment is smiley - blue. Wind coming in from the north-east.

How are you? Recovered from your virus or cold?


Post 156


I hope so. I don't feel bad in general, it's only a small fever. Odd, actually.


Post 157

Researcher 825122

How come? Why is it odd? Isn't it to be expected to come down with a flu during winter?


Post 158


Yes, but there's supposed to be running nose and coughing and such. I have hurting back and fever. I sneezed one evening and that's it.


Post 159

Researcher 825122

I see. These viruses come in odd forms and shapes. You're not feeling nauseous?


Post 160


Nope, why?

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