This is the Message Centre for Hati


Post 321




Post 322

Researcher 825122



Post 323


It could always be worse. Or better, for that matter.
Right now the best is to take a nap. smiley - winkeye

smiley - zzz


Post 324

Researcher 825122

smiley - erm I would never make a good journalist. That's for sure.
Ok, sleep well.


Post 325


So I did. I wish I could sleep a little more though. smiley - laugh
It's very sunny here atm. smiley - smiley


Post 326

Researcher 825122

Did you notice it as well? Now that was a bad example of a non-directive interview.smiley - biggrin I got carried away by my own emotions.

As a matter of fact, I slept incredibly well. I even made a positive remark about it when I woke up this morning. smiley - erm I can't really tell what was so remarkable about it, though. I can't even say that I normally sleep bad. It just was a good and restful sleep.

The weather today was a typical normal average non-subscript gloom.


Post 327


smiley - laugh I slept well. smiley - smiley
And I am intending to do it again now.


Post 328

Researcher 825122

smiley - ok Off you go then.


Post 329


smiley - hug
Good night! smiley - smiley


Post 330

Researcher 825122

smiley - erm Another nondescript day.
I'm absolutely knackered. It's nearly half past six and I'm going to bed. This could become a major depression if I don't go off to sleep immediately. My head feels like it's been worn out over the last 10 million years or so. I'm tired.
Speak to you soon when I feel somewhat better.smiley - erm


Post 331


smiley - hug I hope you feel better already.
Here it is quite cold but smells like spring, couple nights ago we beat al the temperature records for March. -30C at dawn. smiley - brr
Now the sun is shining and the snow is so bright it makes me blind.
I'll go to visit my friends for the weekend now.


Post 332

Researcher 825122

smiley - biggrin Thanks. The sun broke through. I have done the household chores for today. Listening to music at the moment. I'm off with the dog after I get dressed. Have fun at your friends place smiley - hug


Post 333


So I did.
Now my house is dead cold. smiley - brr


Post 334

Researcher 825122

Gives you something to do tonight. Oh yes, the blessings of a central heating system are numerous. One can leave ones house with the heating system on without fear of burning down the house in one's absence. There are even clocks to turn it on and off an hour before you get up, or when you come home from work, or an hour before going to bed. Saves a lot of husstle, smiley - biggrin doesn't it.
The Dutch government decided, with the price of oil being so high, to link the price of gas to the oil price. Nice little earner, that one. I read somewhere that it's about 4 miljard Euro each year that is pumped out of the soil of Groningen, the poorest province of the Netherlands. A direct railway connection with the airport Schiphol and Amsterdam would cost about that amount, but it's considered too expensive by the national authorities.


Post 335


I had the central heating in my previous home. Not with all the extra functions though. I didn't like it - expensive and very dry air. But easy, that's true. Then again, my mother has central heating and she pays a fortune every month and freezes at 17-18C. I can only blame myself if it's cold here and go heating.


Post 336

Researcher 825122

True, it's very expensive and the air becomes too dry. There are gagets for hanging on the radiator that are filled with water, because of the heat the water evaporates into the air.
Your mum doesn't have added heat sources, like an open fire, or a wood burner? It helps to create a warmer and more cosy environment in a room.
Imagine how it must have been a century ago and all the centuries before those. smiley - brr It really must have been horrible in winter in this country I'm living. Unless you were rich and had servants it must have been almost unbearable.
As a child I slept in a bedroom where there would be ice flowers on the windows in winter. And I was lucky. I slept in the bedroom above the gas stove in the livingroom downstairs. My bed was near the wall with the chimney pipe. smiley - biggrin


Post 337


What can I sa. The house I live in is about 80 years old and the stoves are as old.

Ice flowers are quite common in my house.


Post 338

Researcher 825122

Really? Sounds good.


Post 339


It is good, sometimes. smiley - winkeye Just not today...


Post 340

Researcher 825122

Al right, I'll sign off now. I won't bore you tonight with my gibberish. I think sitting behind the computer screen is what makes my head hurt. I'll talk to you later.

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