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Post 381

Researcher 825122

Well, ..... smiley - ermsmiley - bigeyessmiley - blushsmiley - puffsmiley - roflsmiley - nahnahsmiley - grrsmiley - ermsmiley - bigeyessmiley - smileysmiley - ta

I think i must have gone through the full smiley actions and emotions ... I don't know. It's up to them to decide. All I can do is sit back and relax. On Friday I've got another one ... they do give me a


Post 382


smiley - hug I am sure it turns out the best. I don't mean the smiley - headhurts.


Post 383

Researcher 825122

I think this one smiley - injured shows more how I feel smiley - biggrin
It's the tension of things being undecided and the hovering in between of the all the possible possibilities. The one on Friday is in Belgium, the one on Tuesday next week in the Randstad will bring in a fortune. I really fancy living in Belgium but I fancy the fortune of Tuesday as well. Still, it's not up to me to decide, is it? I first have to go through the whole rigmarole of selling meself and what if it will be a no. Suppose it's a yes ... then there are hordes of other things that need to be sorted ... You get my drift.


Post 384


Oh yes! But you should cross your rivers when you reach them. smiley - smiley


Post 385

Researcher 825122

I am in a apoplectic state of mind. I am tired of crossing rivers without getting anywhere.


Post 386


I am usually tired of crossing rivers without ever reaching them.

Cure yourself with a nice smiley - tea and smiley - zzz.


Post 387

Researcher 825122

Crossing rivers without reaching them? How do you manage to do that?

My blood is curdled with adrenaline. Yes, you're right about the tea and the sleep. Ta. smiley - winkeye


Post 388


In my mind. That takes sometimes even more energy than solving the real problems.


Post 389

Researcher 825122


One step after the other smiley - footprints ... smiley - tea


Post 390


I hope you survived the smiley - tea, I fell over. smiley - laugh


Post 391

Researcher 825122

It happened again? You mean you actually fell over, or did you fall over into deep sleep?


Post 392


well, I landed safely on my sofa and woke up around sunrise. smiley - winkeye


Post 393

Researcher 825122

Fancy that, for a moment you had me worried.

To my surprise I woke up in a bright mood around nine. I drank gallons of smiley - coffee had a lie in until 11 reading a book, then went for a walk with the dog and had breakfast. The weather is a bit gloomy today, dark grey sky but dry.
For tomorrow, hailstorms and rain are forecasted.


Post 394


We had relatively warm (11C) weather today, without any sunshine nor rain. But rain is expected from now on. smiley - erm


Post 395

Researcher 825122

It's looking bad. Next week as well, daytime temperatures around 12 C and rain.
Usually with 'Pinksteren', these two days that are an official holiday on the church calendar (apostles being blessed with fire from heaven and going into the world to spread the word), don't know the English name, well these two days (that are the last official holidays of the year in Holland smiley - sadface we do not have many) are mostly with fine weather. This year it's celebrated quite early in the year ... smiley - erm if I remember rightly we had rain last year.


Post 396


Our next holiday will be only in the end of June. It usually rains then, too.


Post 397

Researcher 825122

What kind of holiday is that?

My feet hurt! I just walked 10 kilometers from the Belgian border cos the busses don't drive after 18.00 in this remote spot somewhere at the end of civilazation.
I wasn't wearing my shoes for walking but boots with high heels and ... and then it got dark and then .. then the bycicle/footpath stopped and then I was forced to walk next to the road and then ... then the street lights stopped as well. Just at the last light smiley - erm a car came ... I pushed out my hand to hold up my thumb under the light of the last street lamp and guess what ... the car stopped the last remaining nine kilometres where bliss.


Post 398


Victory Day.

Looks like you had a tough day. smiley - hug


Post 399

Researcher 825122

Yes and no. It's always nice to be visiting places, I took the chance to look around a bit in Bruxelles and on the way home Gent. It was a long time ago I went there.
The job interview was very confusing. I had a total different impression of the job from reading the job description. It became apparent that the actual job I applied for was, euh, totally different from the description. Now how that happened, don't ask. Anyway, after a lot of confusion we managed to agree on the same view of the job. So in a way no harm done.


Post 400


With a bit of luck I will visit Brussels in this year again. In September, I guess.

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