This is the Message Centre for Hati

Hello Hati

Post 161


Thats a trite, easy throw away answer.

Maybe you think I am stupid, because I warn the women you pester that you are a sleazy person who only thinks about erotica. Maybe you don't like the fact that I stick up for them and spoil your sleazy game.

Hello Hati

Post 162


No Kaziiismiley - biggrinno dare i think so only because you are stupidsmiley - biggrin

Hello Hati

Post 163


He doesn't know, don't pester him. smiley - winkeye

Hello Hati

Post 164

Pansy Ffing

Can I ask you something, arsi? Do you have a girlfriend?

Hello Hati

Post 165


So I am pestering him now am I Hati?

I tried to warn women about him, and this is the thanks I get. If I ever meet a sleazy, nasty character on h2g2 again, I shall not try to warn people again.

Hello Hati

Post 166


Kaziii your friend Hati is sleeping i think first you have to wake her upsmiley - biggrino dare!

Hello Hati

Post 167


Kaz...smiley - smiley

Keep up sticking up for people. It's the proper thing to do. I think you misunderstood Hati's humour.

And I do not think there is any way to get 'arsenal' to listen and accept that people are different - and are entitled to freedom, to form their own opinion and their right to publish it.

His logic, his social knowledge and capabillity of arguing is below kindergarden status smiley - erm.

smiley - cheerup

Hello Hati

Post 168


Oops! I thought it's puberty. smiley - blush

Hello Hati

Post 169

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - laugh no, my friend.. arsi does not have a girlfriend. He is far to young for that. His language and his ideas clearly hint to a juvenile, probably 10 to 14 years old, strong inferiority complex, and on the whole not very clever. He's been copying physics articles from text books, probably to impress.... I cannot imagine whom he'd want to impress.
I suggest to be strict but friendly to him? so he won't have any long term psychological damage?

Arsi: not it's bed time! brush your teeth, and off you go! And I don't want to hear you tonight!

Hello Hati

Post 170


Well said, dear! smiley - ok

Hello Hati

Post 171

Pansy Ffing

Shall we read him a bedtime story?

Arsenal ...

Post 172

Moonglum Clampflower (MornC), Muse of Ego, Keeper of the Lamp and Guru, (aka Happinose)

You would have thought, Arsenal, that with all the news of sexual violence and terror, starting with conversations on the Internet, that you would be more carefull. Unless of course that is exactly you intend to do.

Taking conversations of a sexual nature off site is very suspicious activity. Is that what does it for you? Is that how you get your kicks? What is it, the violence or the sex that really gets your rocks off?
You must have been an immense dissapointment to your mother. smiley - cross

Take care with what you say and with whom you say it. I, for one, will be watching you closely.

smiley - skull

Arsenal ...

Post 173

Hapi - Hippo #5

smiley - biggrin .. arsi will understand all this when he'll be a bit older.. for now all this is just too complex.

and no, no bedtime stories for him tonight.. he's off to his room and I don't want to hear him for the rest of the evening. smiley - cross

Arsenal ...

Post 174


Nope, I am better off leaving this conversation. The reason I care so much about protecting others, is that I have been directly affected by sexual abuse as a child. So I see someone acting suspiciously and want to make sure that no-one can be hurt in the way that I was. I try my best but due to the type of person I am it does eventually get to me. His comments started to hurt and made me cry, that will probably excite him no end, and I am sure he will go off into a small room by himself and relieve himself, knowing he upset me. So I lost, but at least I do not get my kicks by perversion, intimidation and sleazeyness, so whilst I was weak and let him hurt me, at least I know I am a moral person.

He will have to pay for his actions one day.

I hope someone else has the strength to continue where I had to leave.

Arsenal ...

Post 175


smiley - hug Kaz

As a mother of a teenager I know some about what's going on in their mind. Growing up is quite a painful process sometimes. We'll stay here and try to help him. smiley - winkeye

Arsenal ...

Post 176


I'm amazed you think he is worth the effort! I can't decide whether he is a sexually frustrated teenager, or a sexually frustrated older man, who is still a virgin?! smiley - winkeye

Arsenal ...

Post 177


It doesn't make much difference, does it? smiley - laugh All the same puberty.

Arsenal ...

Post 178

Hapi - Hippo #5

Oh, Kaz.. he's not worth any effort at all.. and the worst is that he knows this. that's probably why he's trying to get attention: any attention will do.
Looking through his postings I think he's desperate to make any impression at all.. posting simple truths and common knowledge on physics topics, and posting semi-mystical and smiley - silly, frustrated teenage comments. This h2g2, where he can post in relative anonimity, appears to be the place he thinks he can use to impress..

Arsenal ...

Post 179


So long as he is not an older man, pretending to be a younger one, with suspicious/antisocial desires.

Arsenal ...

Post 180

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Who ever he is,a search for recureing prhases is a simple search to make,and its not beyond the realms of possibillitie's that some "student of law or phycology" has decided to do such a search,so anominty is not such a secure feeling when certain phrase keep originateing from one source such as how old r u, or B BIN HRE B4,LOL
simple recuring phrases ,comforting thought that.not for some thoughsmiley - ok

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