This is the Message Centre for Deep Doo Doo
We're getting married - 7 weeks today!
Dea.. - call me Mrs B! Posted Feb 14, 2007
Oooh, have a look at my PS under 'Portugal'. KB wanted to know about medrohno so I gave it a shot, see what you think and add any extras if you want.
We're getting married - 6 weeks today!
Dea.. - call me Mrs B! Posted Feb 21, 2007
If you want them, then get them out instead. Not fussed really, I'll eat anything - starving!
We're getting married - 6 weeks today!
Dea.. - call me Mrs B! Posted Feb 23, 2007
H'lo Boy!!
The deed is done! Told Carlos we're leaving today and he nearly had me in tears. He said he's really sorry to see me go, I'll always have a job if I need one and that he's gonna kick your butt for taking me away!
But he is gonna sort out a cheap minibus for us! Just need to work out the dates and he'll get me a deal from AJardim! And he's gonna close the office down so that they can all come to the wedding!
We're getting married - 6 weeks today!
Deep Doo Doo Posted Feb 23, 2007
Well done you! I know that it was going to be hard for you to tell him and I'm sure he's really disappointed, but it's the beginning of our new life in Cyprus.
I'm really proud of you!
Coming home soon?
We're getting married - 6 weeks today!
Deep Doo Doo Posted Mar 2, 2007
370,000 Take That tickets (that's the whole lot) sold out within three hours!
Unless Mina was very, very lucky, it looks like you won't be going.
I'll just have to strut my stuff for you instead!
We're getting married - 6 weeks today!
Dea.. - call me Mrs B! Posted Mar 2, 2007
There were two tickets just taken off ebay cos someone bid 5 million quidlies! Obviously a gimp bid.
For that, we could get them to do the wedding reception!
We're getting married - 6 weeks today!
Dea.. - call me Mrs B! Posted Mar 2, 2007
Didja get the email about Lisa and Alison's arrival times to add to the list?
We're getting married - 6 weeks today!
Deep Doo Doo Posted Mar 2, 2007
Yep! Updated already.
I tell 'ya - I'm like greased lightning today. There's nothing I can't organise with a swift flick of a pen, a jiggle of the mouse, and my speedy dialling digit.
I is Mr. Sorterer.
We're getting married - 3ish weeks today!
Deep Doo Doo Posted Mar 9, 2007
I bloody you!
And more and more and more and more and more every day!
You are the loveliest gril in the world - you is my gril, my lovely gril, soon to be my beautiful wife-gril and I you so much!
You're getting married?
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Mar 9, 2007
to update A827237
As you were! *covers eyes and
*limps away*
You're getting married?
Deep Doo Doo Posted Mar 9, 2007
Yes we are!
Just a few short weeks now - on April 4th in Gibraltar (it's positively British and a darn-sight easier than Catholic Portugal) and then a big party with all our friends and family in the Algarve.
And when the last guest goes home on the 17th, we leave to start a new(er) life in Cyprus on the 18th!
I can't wait - Deakie is my life, my love and my total and utter happiness!
Key: Complain about this post
We're getting married - 7 weeks today!
- 1261: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Feb 14, 2007)
- 1262: Deep Doo Doo (Feb 14, 2007)
- 1263: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Feb 21, 2007)
- 1264: Deep Doo Doo (Feb 21, 2007)
- 1265: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Feb 21, 2007)
- 1266: Deep Doo Doo (Feb 21, 2007)
- 1267: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Feb 21, 2007)
- 1268: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Feb 21, 2007)
- 1269: Deep Doo Doo (Feb 21, 2007)
- 1270: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Feb 21, 2007)
- 1271: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Feb 23, 2007)
- 1272: Deep Doo Doo (Feb 23, 2007)
- 1273: Deep Doo Doo (Mar 2, 2007)
- 1274: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Mar 2, 2007)
- 1275: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Mar 2, 2007)
- 1276: Deep Doo Doo (Mar 2, 2007)
- 1277: Deep Doo Doo (Mar 9, 2007)
- 1278: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Mar 9, 2007)
- 1279: Deep Doo Doo (Mar 9, 2007)
- 1280: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Mar 9, 2007)
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