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*Making a mad dash...

Post 21


*rewinding, then re-entering, slow motion, to add...*

It's evil!! Don't touch it!!

*Making a mad dash...

Post 22


*Looks up, carpet strands smeared around face and mouth full of 'em*

Umph, wath that you're thaying Amanda?

*Making a mad dash...

Post 23


Oh! Um...nothing...I guess...

Carry on smiley - winkeye Since you're getting so good at this dying/not-dying thingy, and all.

*Making a mad dash...

Post 24


*peers around for flying pie-projectile-like-thingies*

Hrm.. No s .. well.. smiley - cake then? And smiley - cupcakes and smiley - donuts and ... Oh heck.. I need a smiley - stiffdrink

'Nonniesmiley - rose

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