This is the Message Centre for Darth Noire

The Raven

Post 1

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Amy the Ant has kindly given us an illustration of the Raven. I've now got a page devoted to the ship at

The Raven

Post 2

Darth Noire

Actually I had already found it... smiley - winkeye But thanks for informing me!

The Raven

Post 3

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

I was assuming that since no one had commented at it, no one had found it smiley - winkeye

The Raven

Post 4


No way, we've just been very busy, doing what we had to do, so we didn't have time to do what we wanted to do, like compliment the ortist on a great rendition.

The Raven

Post 5

Darth Noire

Red, fair enough. smiley - smiley I thought about saying something but was busy...

Greetings, Xyroth! How did you find me then?

The Raven

Post 6

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

It's alright. I'm just a bit bored today

The Raven

Post 7


I found you by keeping an eye in the info page for anything interesting to read, or that I can constructively contribute too.
Or did you mean what did I think of you. Great.

The Raven

Post 8

Darth Noire

Bored? But there's a lot a dictator could do. Although you're not one yet... Hmm... Who could we kill?

And Xyroth, I did mean where you found this thread. smiley - smiley And now that you're here - in case you haven't chosen your opinion in h2g2-politics yet, may I suggest you to vote for the Masque here for dictator?

The Raven

Post 9


There are only two types of dictator that I approve of, dead ones, and benign dictators. And I am mostly sceptical about both. I prefer a participatory democracy myself. And if you are wondering what the dictator can do, try looking at the world domination thrad on for some constructive ideas, or feel free to add to that thread.

The Raven

Post 10

Darth Noire

Iceraven's thread? But of course, he's a member of STUMPED too.

The Raven

Post 11

Darth Noire

Red btw, have you changed your name permanently?

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