This is the Message Centre for Darth Noire

Super Battle- darth noire

Post 41

Uncle Heavy [sic]

smiley - fish

Fish one

Super Battle- darth noire

Post 42


smiley - fish Fish Two...take that, you slimeball villain!

Super Battle

Post 43

Giguschild/Death Avocado. Motto:*Fac ut gaudeam*

Still reeling from her attack by Possum, Darth Noir is surprised to find herself *KAZOOIED* by Death Avocado's Mangle-O-Fists, and he zooms off in search of another villain. Will this be enough to freeze her completely?
smiley - fish

Super Battle

Post 44

Giguschild/Death Avocado. Motto:*Fac ut gaudeam*

Oops, I was travelling so fast that I got mixed up between Gavroche and possum...But you're still frozen! Haha!

Super Battle

Post 45

NYC Student - The innocent looking one =P

being "kazooied" doesn't sound too enjoyable. I guess it's up to me to dig you out from that pile-o-fishies...

smiley - winkeye here you go! Off to seek revenge on those who "kazooie"!

That really sounds kinda funny... kazooie kazooie kazooie... hehehe...

Super Battle

Post 46

Darth Noire

Thank you for saving me, NYC! It really seems that these "heros" don't care a bit if someone's gone for over a week and uncapable to protect oneself... Luckily I've got allies like you!

Super Battle

Post 47

Larj Parz

You should get a guard dog or something or have "friends" to help you out.
Anyway here is a fish. It's a bit flippity because I've only just taken it out of the water.

Super Battle

Post 48

Larj Parz

It fell back in the water but I've got it now by golly!
smiley - fish

Super Battle

Post 49

soeasilyamused, or sea

*jumps out of the shadows*
ta- daaaaaa! i'm here! smiley - winkeye for my friend darth noire!!!

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