Caedes Caelestio Researcher Novice

This is the introduction of the researcher known as Caedes Caelestio.

Caedes was born with a different name in a different place with different people. Fortunately for her however times changed, names were forgotten and locations were severely altered.

Caedes is mostly known in independant circles as a free lance researcher for her own aims and goals until she stumbled across the online guide. At this point she decided to share some of her research and converse with other researchers on a friendly and respectable level. So far, so good.

Her goal in life is to teach the crafts litery masochism to future generations. For those that do not understand the term "literary masochism" it refers to the the art of writing.

She can be contacted at anytime through the guide with useful thoughts or random curiosities.

As a note to researchers or other commentators. Caedes does not have much of a common sense meter sooooo. Be blunt, Be very blunt, She does not look under words that well.

More to come to this introduction at a later predetermined though irrelevant time.


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Researcher U1251568

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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