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Alpine, Texas

Post 1

Bernadette Lynn_ Home Educator

I'm subbing your entry, A4609965, and I'm having a bit of trouble with one or two lines.

You start off by saying " And a good way to locate this little west Texas town is to look north of Big Bend National Border Cross... National Park"

Is this really the name of the Park? None of the official websites you link to describe it this way. It seems a bit strange to me.

You then say "Alpine is bordered by the southernmost part of the RockyMountains on their west side, Davis Mountains on their northern side,"

Do you mean 'on their (the mountains') west side and northern side', or do you mean on Alpine's west snd north sides?

Later you say "Though adding an additional 2000+ population to their normal 4-5500 population an outcry of encroachment has been instilled for over fifty years"

I'm afraid I didn't understand this. Do you mean that the presence of the students causes bad feeling in the town?

Finally, you state "The Wesley Center is run by the Methodist church and 98% of the time has an open door and open fridge policy"

Is this percentage accurate, or do you mean 'most of the time', 'during term times' or something else?

I'd really appreciate it if you could get back to me soon about this.

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