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Saw the orthopaedic specialist thi s 8/10/2010s morning

Hi ,

We3ll I had half completed quite a long posting but did not finish it as my carer came to take me to the hospital.
I saw a jolly specialis6t from the Far East
However as I refused to have a double hip replacement he said that he would not see me again. I told him how I hawd been told by a hosp0ital in London who had advised me that with my high blood pressure I
would probably have a stro9ke during the operation.

Thanks, but no thanks was my reply.

So he said, I shall not see you again.

Fine I said.

And off I tootled.

I have absolutely no pain = I do not know why, so why snould I go thourgh all that, when the psoriatic arthritis is apparently going to go through all my skeleton and I shall probably end up looking like an octopus.!!

He offered me nothing else, so I hope that it just continues not to cause [pain

WEll dear folks, that is that,. My last foray into trying to get sorted. From now on, I shall not complain, and just continue enjoying what life offers to me.

With much affection to all

Friday 8/X/2010 17.35 BMT

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Latest reply: Oct 8, 2010

It was my lovely day "musical note"

That song is also one of my favourite songs paulh

Thank you for reminding me about writing about it. I was playing that silly game of free cell because I could not sleep. !!

My carer came at eleven, and Saturday was truly a halcyon day - except that the wind was blowing quite fiercely up on the esplanade. I suggesged that we go to the level of the sea using the very old funicular lift which was installed obviously early in the last century. There is a thickly wooded strip just below us which completely cover the white cliffs of our adjoining seaside town.

We went down in a sort of furnicular rail car, and once we got to the sea level the wind had practically dropped. Really extraordinary, So we went into some really beautiful tropical gardens which are also protected from tje wind and the sea was shimmering like glass and sparkling like crystal.

The walk was truly beautiful There were these marvellous pine trees which one also finds along the Cote d'Azur and then all sorts of wonderful wild plants which we also find along the coast in South Afrucam so it was doubly fascinating, The gardens are laid out and there are small walls, and benches, and beds all enclosed with small stone wall and I really revelled in them .Escept that there were no flowering plants we could have been in one of the beautiful chateau gardens in France.

My carer found some wild blackberries and picked them for me and they truly were delicious and not a bit sour. WE went along further, and then stopped a very nice person coming towards us to find out if there was another path closer to the sea as we always had a garden between us and the sea. There was, and so we went down another slope which was fortunately not too steep for my wheelchair, and there,the waves were flip, flopping onto the pebbly beach

I am generally dismayed when I find pebbly beaches because we are so spoilt in South Africa as all the beaches are sandy. However, it was quite perfect, not a breath of wind, not too hot and I could hear the waves.

People are so incredibly kind to wheelchair users, and most folk generally stop and chat when I bid them a cheery Hi! Fortunately my carer does not mind me greetong total strangers. !

We meandered slowly back and then took the curnicular back to the esplanade level. She wheeled me back to my flat and then disappeared to care for her small son.

And here I have been ever since, without seeing anyone until in about five hours time when another carer will come to help me with my bath and generally want to hear my news. !! I have however had two chats to keith which I always enjoy but otherwise the phone is silent......
Oh no I forgot darling loulobelle my daughter phoned me from Perth in Australia which she does every Sunday morning. Fortunately there have been the World snooker championships which I love watcning and as yesterday .Sunday. the day was cold and mioserable I am so thrilled that I was abke to go out in the sun. Truly a wonderful outing.

We found a plaque on a rock and it saad that the coastal walk had been made in 1904 in order to preserve the cliff from deterioration and oh dear I have forgotten the otherword although when my carer was trying to read it I guessed what it was but have now forgotten it.!

This means that the tale of Queen Victoria's son who was the Heir to the Throne, and who was supposed to come to this particuloar coastal town in order to visit his beloved mistress, must have also walked along this enchanting place. No wonder they were so beautifully laid out. It really was special and if you ever come to these shores I shall be able to show you something truly special which you most probably do not have in Boston. !!!

Go well and take care of yourself. I am now going to read the short stories. !!


Monday 27th September, 2010 3.45BMT

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Latest reply: Sep 27, 2010

T.B. or not To Be........

I listen to Radio 4 of trhe BBC throughout the night when I am unable to sleep. I often learn a lot and I am generally hearing about imminent events.

Last night - or rather early this morning - is an example.

Once again, the unfortunate badger colonies are under attack. For some mysterious reason the farmers and some membersof the Government seem to think that they are the cause of bovine TB.

Well I do not know what the vets. call TB in this country. but to the best of my knowledge there are NO BADGERS in south Africa but I have no statistics about bovine TB. in cattle.

However, I do know that human TB exists. In fact my dear Maman had active TB, yet died at the ripe old age of 96. some ten years ago.

Yet not one of my parents five children(I am their eldest daughter) has been afflicted by TB. My father was the custodian of our health when we were children and he always made sure that we were fed well and correctly. Unfortunately in those days illnesses which were genetic in orgin had not yet been identified, so he had no control over that.

Please let us once again beg the farmers to halt this slaughter if what I am sure is a totally erroneous accusation that badgers are responsible for bovine TB. Perhaps the ground, our Mother Earth, is deficient in something which helps the animal Kingdom gain immunituy against TB.

I seem to remember Websailor urging us to sign a petition on behalf of the Badgers a while ago.

A heartfelt plea on behalf of the beleagured badgers.


Thursday 16th September 2010 7.20 BST

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Latest reply: Sep 16, 2010

Today Keith is coming to visit me....:lovely!

Well today is going to be special. Because it is so difficult and painful for me to move around, the residence where keith is staying have been bringing him down once a week to visit me.

Today he is coming on his own, which is wonderful and he is taking me out to lunch. There is a lovely little Italian restaurant just adross the road which has been our haunt ever since we arrived in this lovely little town. Keith is 84 miles away so it takes quite a time to drive over. anyway, hopefully it is not going to rain otherwise I shall have to give him an alfresco lunch here.

I am very pleased because my old carer has come back. She is a dear and really cares for me. In fact I really am extremely fortunate with the people around me who help me; Apart from Keith |I sometimes feel that the resto of my family have already considered that my lifespan is over and that I should do a quick disappearing act. !

Little do they remember that my darling Grandmere lived to be 96 and only died after the family in France insisted on her going into an Old Age Home.!!

Well there is still life in this old girl I can assure y08/ Perhaps I should have my hair dyed green again. !!I has grown out. I must admit much to my p0leasure - it was one of the more stupid things In have done in my life. Perhaps purple would ber better....!
With affeftion

Saturday 11th #september 2010 8.00 BST

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Latest reply: Sep 11, 2010

At last!! At last!!!, I've found you all At last!!


I have been trhough a miserable time. I thought I had lkost you all!!!. anyway, I did get on briefly, but unfortunately could not find my space and could not write to you. at least I do not think I wrote to you. !!

I think I am better now. goodness knows what was wrong. I see that our new PM has lost his Dad through a stroke. he must have been a very brave person. I still believe that the Sheep "brain exercises" which were pointed out to me,on this site, and which were first produced by the BBC some four years ago are what have kept me going. I try and do them every day, and sometimes I am good and sometimes I am lousy. But I reallky truly believe that they have kept my memory from fading away completely.

Still waiting for the appointment for the specialist about the disappearing hipjoints. It really feels very odd. anyway, C'est la vie!

Now I am going to go through and see if I have any post. It would be nice if I did.

A big thank you to the BBC editors for helping me to reset my password. I was very touched by their help.

With greetings to all h2g2 researchers.

Much affection


Wendesday 8th September, 2010 17.15 BST

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Latest reply: Sep 8, 2010

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