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Scotland ceded to Trump - All Hail King Donald!

Post 1

LL Waz

It would seem that Mr Trump doesn't actually need to wait for the granting of compulsory purchase orders to clear out the Scots whose homes and farms he thinks will besmirch the view from his pseudo-Victorian golf-hotel.

It would seem that might is right, and possession ten tenths of the law in the eyes of Messrs Salmon, Trump and the occupants of the jam sandwich in the video.

Go home and think again, Donald,

Waz, one of the Menie in the Bunker

Scotland ceded to Trump - All Hail King Donald!

Post 2


Very dear Waz, Well I thought that I had iost you. !!

I shall have to ask my carer to help me work out what to sign. It looks far too complicated for me to work out.

I would love to hear from you.
what are you doing now. it is ages sinc we have beenin touch.

With very much affection


Thursday 4th August, 2010 13.50 BST

Scotland ceded to Trump - All Hail King Donald!

Post 3


Very dear Waz, Well I thought that I had iost you. !!

I shall have to ask my carer to help me work out what to sign. It looks far too complicated for me to work out.

I would love to hear from you.
what are you doing now. it is ages sinc we have beenin touche.

With very much affection


Thursday 4th August, 2010 13.50 BST

Scotland ceded to Trump - All Hail King Donald!

Post 4


A cause well worth fighting for. Good for all of you. It's time for Trump and his ilk to realize that the world doesn't exsist merely for the benefit of the obscenely rich. smiley - cross

I hope you're well and happy.

Scotland ceded to Trump - All Hail King Donald!

Post 5


I'm in the bunker too now Waz. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I hadn't realised he had gone this far. I detest bullying in any shape or form and this should not be allowed to happen.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Scotland ceded to Trump - All Hail King Donald!

Post 6

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

well what do you expect from a "comb over" ..........

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