This is the Message Centre for LL Waz

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 81


Is this the brother in Austin?

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 82

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - biggrin Yes it is, Hypatia, except he is in Lebanon for the week. It is our father's 79th today and my brother was not able to visit in the summer... so he has done a flying visit. I sent him a link to my 'visiting' entry, we had been talking about something related and I mentioned that I had written about it. I have no idea how far into hootoo he'll go though smiley - winkeye Busy man, he is.


Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 83


Who knows. Maybe he'll like us. smiley - biggrin

Hope your dad has a great birthday.

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 84

Lady Chattingly

Happy birthday to your Dad, W.
Our brother wouldn't know how to take hootoo, would he Hyp?
He has *no* sense of humor at all, unless it's at someone else's expense...........smiley - cross

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 85

Wilma Neanderthal

My dad had a great birthday, thanks. Three of his sons went out of their way to be there for him this week. The fourth arrives Wed. I let him down but he gets us all for three weeks at Christmas so that will have to do.

Lilbro is a workaholic. I know exactly what he'll do. Read the entry, print it out for my mum to frame, bookmark us and promptly forget all about us smiley - biggrin

His loss. I know he'd love all of you here smiley - winkeye

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 86

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

And, when he's done that, you can send him a link to this conversation.

TRiG.smiley - winkeye

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 87

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - yikes
Are you kidding? You have *no* idea how many threads I have unsubbed from (temporarily, just in case) 'till the storm of curiosity blows over smiley - bigeyes

smiley - laughsmiley - biggrin

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 88

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I let my sister use my account for a day, shortly before her physics exam. She was strictly charged not to leave the science explained forum.

Are you keeping a list of threads on your home computer, so you can resubscribe later?

TRiG.smiley - biggrin

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 89

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - blush mebbe smiley - whistle

Harrrumph the fifth - resolution.

Post 90

Sitting on the stair

Harrump 5. Update.

smiley - porkpieRetaliation 1.

About to open car door, turned back, put on Oh!-I-just-remembered mode.

Me: Hey! Just remembered, you said you made me a marrow cake ...!

Put on all-expectant-and-hopeful face.

Mother: open mouth, brief flash of dismay and guilt. Confusion. Realisation. Splutter...

Didn't hear any more, I was off down the drive waving.

smiley - porkpieRetaliation 2.

The next person to open the biscuit tin in their house will find the sole contents to be one overgrown courgette (marrow wouldn't fit in).

In view of above, and having scored a jar of apple chutney earlier in the evening, Harrump 5 is now considered satisfactorily resolved.

Harrrumph the fifth - resolution.

Post 91

LL Waz

Ooops. Bother #@!~~!?xx!

Karma for winding up mothers.

Harrrumph the fifth - resolution.

Post 92

LL Waz

Moving swiftly on - Mother never taught us any cooking. We could have learnt, she just left it to us to take an interest or not. Not in my case, or my sister's. But my brother did, latterly anyway.

What I remember of her baking was when I was in the teens she had a very cheap second-hand cooker with no thermostat. Going through her old cookbooks and stuff recently all these handwritten pages fell out. One was Sponge cake: xxxF (can't remember the temperatures) 20 mins on, 10 mins off, 15 mins on, 20 mins off ... etc.

She worked out by trial and error a whole series on switching on and offs to cook scones, cakes, roasts.

We had that cooker for five and a half years.

Harrrumph the fifth - resolution.

Post 93


Wow. That cooker must have been a real challenge. It's the same with the wood fired cook stoves. People used ot turn out wonderful baked goods with them, but without any thermostats at all, I don't know how they managed it. We really are spoiled by all of our modern appliances.

Zucchini in the biscuit tin.....I love it! smiley - evilgrin

Harrrumph the fifth - resolution.

Post 94

LL Waz

Happy belated birthday to your Dad, Wilma. You not being there now should mean you get extra spoilt at Christmas, I hope.

My brother signed up briefly to comment on something here once but didn't stick. I think he'd take to it if he got into it but but his present lifestyle doesn't have the space for it.

Harrrumph the fifth - resolution.

Post 95

Wilma Neanderthal

I love the way you think, Waz! smiley - laugh

... and I agree, that cooker sounds smiley - yikes

... and I'm hoping that is exactly what happens... Swans off to dream of all the treats and delicacies awaiting her in December smiley - bigeyessmiley - drool

smiley - biggrin Ditto!

Harrrumph the fifth - resolution.

Post 96

LL Waz

Zucchini in the biscuit tin = earplugs for phone answering for a while... or she may wait to cook something up.

Hyp, do you use zucchini for all sizes of courgette/marrow? Ie up to two foot long, nine inches thick?

Harrrumph the fifth - resolution.

Post 97


Wilma, extra spoiling is always nice.

Waz, we call courgettes zucchini regardless of the size or variety. And we don't grow marrows at all, as far as I know. Or if we do, I don't know what we call them. A picture of one would help.

We don't grow broad beans, either. I don't know if it is a question of climate or if they just never caught on over here.

Harrrumph the fifth - resolution.

Post 98


I'm with Lady C on the brothjer question. I don't think our brother would enjoy h2g2.

Harrrumph the fifth - resolution.

Post 99

LL Waz - yikes that's marrow growing taken to ridiculous lengths.

A more sensible marrow

Says it's related to zucchini. Broad beans never caught on with me either.

Do you have gem squashes? Or cricket ball squashes. Was talking to someone last night about those. They were beautiful boiled, halved and eaten with butter salt and pepper, but don't appear to grow properly here.

Harrrumph the fifth - resolution.

Post 100


The first picture looked unlike anything I've ever seen around here. The second one looks very like a stripped zucchini we grow. Hang on. Let me go to a seed site and see if I can find a picture of the ones I grow.

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