This is the Message Centre for LL Waz

Harrrumph thread

Post 61


Zuchini bread d zucchini cookies are good. The zucchini adds moisture and body. And they have lots of cinnamon and nutmeg for flavor. Do you have a recipe for pumpkin bread or bannana bfread? If so, jusr substitute zucchini. Grate it raw into a measuring cup and use the same proportions you would of the bannana.

A marrow is imilar to a turnip? Or is it like a winter squash?

Harrrumph thread

Post 62

Lady Chattingly

Carrot cookies are good too. Zucchini bread is one of our absolute favorites. We use a pumpkin bread recipe--an heirloom recipe of Mother's--and substitute two cups of grated zucchini for two cups of pumpkin. It's really pretty with the bits of dark green in it. Looks especially good on a plate coupled with cranberry bread.
'Tis the season to start cooking. smiley - biggrin

Harrrumph thread

Post 63


Now I'm hungry for Lady C's zucchini bread. smiley - drool

Harrrumph thread

Post 64

Wilma Neanderthal

*slinks out from behind the sofa*

Oh, now see what you've done? You've reminded me of my favourite Cleveland breakfast of all time: a zucchini muffin with a hot vanilla java from Cafe Arabica in Uni Circle smiley - crosssmiley - drool

Any chance of a recipe? I pay in zaatar smiley - winkeye


Harrrumph thread

Post 65


For zaatar, I can find you about anything you want, Wilma. smiley - laugh

I have been using the zaatar you sent me like crazy. My jar is already half gone. I like to sprinkle it on chicken breasts before I pop them under the broiler. smiley - drool And I use it to season rice. And naturally with olive oil on flatbread.

Harrrumph thread

Post 66

Wilma Neanderthal

You would get on with lil smiley - diva Hypatia. She has it on her scrambled eggs smiley - yuk Trog just smiley - rolleyes and mutters about children being brought up wrong.

smiley - biggrin

I used to love those muffins. They were moist and firm and smiley - drool They were the only ones I liked, made with wholemeal flour as well.. yum. Blueberry muffins used to get in between my teeth and the toffee ones were just wrong - too sweet smiley - ill I have tried to make them but they always come out too dry. Problem is they have to be dairy free smiley - erm

Harrrumph thread

Post 67


Wilma, I put a recipe on your PS. smiley - smiley

Harrrumph thread

Post 68

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - wow Thanks, Hypatia!
smiley - run

Harrrumph thread

Post 69

LL Waz

Marrows are mostly water...

Def. not a turnip. Squashes I think have much thicker, harder skins.

They might be overgrown zucchini. On googled pictures zucchini look like courgettes. Leave a courgette to grow and it looks, and tastes, like a marrow.

Though, rereading Hyp's post, grating a courgette would give you mush. I think. Almost like grating a cucumber.

I haven't got a marrow, but I do have a pattypan squash sitting on the kitchen table. It's been decorative, but ought to be cooked. Any recommendations not involving use of ovens?

Harrrumph thread

Post 70

Wilma Neanderthal

Squash soup smiley - drool Boil it to death with onion and/or shredded leek, add butter, pepper and salt to taste. Nutmeg works well there too. Don't forget the hot buttered toast - no crusts.


Harrrumph thread

Post 71

Lady Chattingly

We like patty pan squash sauteed with onion, garlic, and olive oil. I like them better than the yellow crook necks. They stay crunchier.

Harrrumph thread

Post 72

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

"On googled pictures zucchini look like courgettes."

Yes. Same thing. Americans use the Italian name, and we use the French name. But they're the same thing.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

Harrrumph thread

Post 73

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I knew we had a namesake in Australia. I didn't know we had one in the States too.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 74

LL Waz


Mother rang. Mostly to say she wasn't in Aberdeen.

But she dropped into the conversation that she'd made two marrow cakes, one for me.

But since they hadn't gone to Aberdeen last Tuesday, last Wednesday, last Thursday, last Friday, last Saturday, last Sunday, this Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or indeed today, as planned (and replanned), and since this has all upset her shopping routine, they'd not only eaten theirs but mine too.

Then she said it was nice.

There was no need for that last comment. There wasn't any need to tell me at all about the marrow cake I never got. But that last addition was particularly gratuitous.

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 75

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - laugh

Aaaah, Waz smiley - hug Here have a smiley - cupcake instead.

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 76

LL Waz

Thanks Wilma smiley - smiley.

Revenge is planned smiley - winkeye. Actually I have two plans, don't know which to choose.

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 77

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - bigeyes

Pray tell...

smiley - smiley <--- see how restrained I am?

smiley - boingsmiley - somersaultsmiley - boingsmiley - somersaultsmiley - boingsmiley - somersaultsmiley - boingsmiley - somersaultsmiley - boingsmiley - somersaultsmiley - boing

smiley - injuredsmiley - hangover

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 78

LL Waz

Well, there's is a return from Aberdeen to an almost empty larder - just a few rejected tins scattered about the shelves. All good stuff gone.

Or all the good stuff replaced with marrows... not sure. Or just replace all the contents of the biscuit and cake tins with marrow... too many choices!

Her opening a cake tin to find just a marrow inside ... that one's growing on me. That really would be just deserts, wouldn't it?

The other ... requires careful timing. I'll try it tonight. If it works, I'll tell smiley - winkeye.

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 79


That was rather thoughtless to tell you she had baked you a cake and then ate it. Mothers are like that though. Not that my mother ever baked me a cake. She taught me how to bake at a very young age and then turned most of it over to me. smiley - cross I like to cook, but a birthday cake I didn't have to bake myself at least once in my life would have been nice.

I can imagine my mom buying me a box of chocolates and then eating them herself. She also comes to my house and finds things she wants and just takes them home with her without asking. She does that all the time.

Harrrumph the fifth.

Post 80

Wilma Neanderthal

*keeps mum about her mum*

I gave my lil bro a link to hootoo smiley - winkeye

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