Journal Entries

Here comes Santa Claus... here comes Santa Claus...

All of my smiley - elfsmiley - elfsmiley - elf pals have hooked up a new computer for me, so, again, I shall descend here to spead the holiday cheer! smiley - bubblysmiley - cider

So, who wants to feed the reindeer first?

smiley - snowmansmiley - mistletoesmiley - hollysmiley - reindeersmiley - snowballsmiley - skismiley - brrsmiley - llabwonssmiley - xmaspudsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - giftsmiley - xmastree

smiley - santa

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Latest reply: Dec 8, 2003

*wakes up*

What time is it? November already? smiley - yikes

smiley - elfsmiley - elfsmiley - elfsmiley - gift

Where's my breakfast?

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Latest reply: Nov 29, 2002

Well its that time of year again!

The sleigh has had its MOT test and the Reindeers have just finished their eight week intensive training at an exclusive high altitude retreat in the Urrals.

So here we go...

Toys... Check!

Maps... Check!

List of who has been bad and good... Check!

Hipflask... Check!

Sandwiches... Check!

GPS handset... Check!

Mobile Phone... Check!

Looks like I am just about ready! smiley - biggrin

smiley - santa

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Latest reply: Dec 18, 2001

I hope you've all been very good this year.

smiley - santa

Well, have you?

I can find out you know. smiley - grr

If you've been flaming people in the fora it all gets back to me. And no, I won't overlook it, just because it's Christmas. So if you're one of those irritating little wotsits who likes to misbehave and thinks that it won't catch up with you "just because you're on the internet" then you're sadly mistaken. Oh yes, deary me.

Mr FC is catching up with the times, I can tell you. No more Mr Nice Guy. Three black marks, and that's it, straight out of the Christmas book. No recounts. No rethinks. So just remember that or it's coal for you!!

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Latest reply: Dec 15, 2000

h2g2 - a very cool place...

which suits the reindeer very well.

I am very pleased to be a Researcher at h2g2 - this wonderful Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything. I am looking forward to contributing to the Guide. have a great deal of wisdom to impart , I am nearly 150 years old, you know.

The Editors of h2g2, Mark, Peta and Anna seem to be very nice people. They have invited me along to their Christmas party in London this evening, so I am just about to go and harness the reindeers. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Dec 17, 1999

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