This is a Journal entry by Santa

h2g2 - a very cool place...

Post 1


which suits the reindeer very well.

I am very pleased to be a Researcher at h2g2 - this wonderful Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything. I am looking forward to contributing to the Guide. have a great deal of wisdom to impart , I am nearly 150 years old, you know.

The Editors of h2g2, Mark, Peta and Anna seem to be very nice people. They have invited me along to their Christmas party in London this evening, so I am just about to go and harness the reindeers. smiley - smiley

Felicitations Santa

Post 2


Hello Santa. My children are really looking forward to your visit next Saturday. I'd like to thank you for all the time and trouble you put in every year to make children happy.

Just a little observation though... Aren't we telling a little fib about our age? I thought you were much older than 150 years or does time pass at a different rate where you come from.

Please give your reindeer a big hug from me...(ta).

Felicitations Santa

Post 3


Thank you Gwennie. I look forward to meeting your delightful children again on Saturday. Have a good Christmas.

Me fib about my age? You''ll be accusing me of having a fake beard next, like those young rapscallions in the other forum.

*have a mince pie*

Felicitations Santa

Post 4


Ooh ta! Does it have vegan mincemeat filling by the way?

I don't go around pulling old men's beards - I wouldn't be so mean!

Felicitations Santa

Post 5

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Might I ask what you pull, then

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