This is the Message Centre for Magnolia


Post 1

Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem!

Will you read mine for me? please?


Post 2


Hello Zalisander and thank you for posting your request -- I've been away from my home computer for a little while and am not quite settled in yet at a new base, so if you don't mind waiting a few days, I'll be glad to read your name. However, in case you'd rather not wait, there are other excellent Namereaders around (I'm still struggling with the post-BBC h2g2! I can't find most of my earlier stuff) who will gladly oblige! Warmly, Magnolia


Post 3

Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem!

like who? My intention is to let someone read my name and then tell them what i think, i believe it would be cool to find out how my choice of name reflects upon my personality!
-Zalisander, the muse of MaYheM! (and founder of tactsc)


Post 4


The most avid name-reader (aside from myself!) was MyRedDice -- I don't know whether he is still around in the post-BBC phase -- or whether he has changed his name ...

You could search for him or -- like I said earlier -- wait a few days till I'm well settled at my new computer, whereupon I'll read your name with pleasure! How's that?

Warmly, Magnolia


Post 5

Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem!

Thankyou, that would be great! How did you learn how to name read?


Post 6

Martin Harper

Hi Zalisander - nice to meet you... smiley - smiley

I've an entry on username analysis here: - if you want to post there I'll get round to you eventually - though I must warn you that there's a bit of a backlog... smiley - sadface


Post 7

Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem!

ok so u have changed your name, i'll see who gets to me first! namereadin is cool but i wanna see how accurte it is!


Post 8


Hi Magnolia, I hope you settled OK. I am intrigued with the namereading and would love to know what messages my name may be sending to other users.


Post 9

Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem!

Yes, i hate the thought that my name might just be telling all that i'm a nutty extrovert with the occasional blonde moment! oooopss


Post 10

Dancer (put your advert here)

Can you please work your smiley - magic on my name too? I know it sounds kind of plain, but I'd like a read if you don't mind.

BTW, I'm male, if it matters to the reading.

smiley - hsif


Post 11

Dancer (put your advert here)

Oops, I forgot:
I'm also male if it doesn't matter smiley - smiley

smiley - hsif


Post 12

Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem!

So will you read mine now? a couple of months have passed......


Post 13


Amazingly, I have only just remembered that I am alive. In case you are also reasonably alive, then ... in a few days ... a reading will occur ... (trust me. Though I know you have no reason to ... but it will happen this week).


Post 14


Is forgetting you're alice quite relaxing? It sounds it smiley - smiley


Post 15


smiley - erm Forgetting you're alice is probably relaxing. What I meant to type was alive. *shakes head in shame and creeps out before anyone notices*


Post 16

Dancer (put your advert here)

Hi I have been waiting patiently smiley - biggrin

smiley - hsif


Post 17


I've been more patient smiley - tongueout I posted back in May smiley - smiley I'd actually forgotten about this forum until your posting put it back on my personal space and brought it to my attention.

Reading for ... Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem

Post 18


... finally.

My instant impression is: a person who would like to be thought of as pleasantly flighty, a little daring and unusual -- the "Muse of Mayhem" is something of a dead give-away, wouldn't you say?! -- combined with the "Z" initial, which tends to attract attention in the English-speaking world, on account of being the last letter of the alphabet and (perhaps) a high-score Scrabble tile.

But my immediate follow-on impression is that this user is most likely more polite and less likely to cause mayhem than she/he would like her/his name to suggest. Several clues to this: one, the polite manner of all the communications; two, someone who speaks of muses, even while invoking mayhem, is likely (but of course not NECESSARILY ...) to be a somewhat genteel, educated and literate person.

It's not just the word "muse", you understand, but the combination with "mayhem" -- such a sweet and friendly sounding word, with its suggestion of "may I?" and "ahem!", its definition notwithstanding -- which suggests genteelity. If this user had instead claimed to be the "Lord of Destruction" or the "Lady of Hellfire" or even the "Muse of Mental Anguish" my impression would have been different. But "Muse of Mayhem"? Ah, no! This is not a dangerous person! Perhaps mildly inclined to a certain amusing klustziness, or capable of the odd indiscretion, but in no way a wild or undignified being.

"Zalisander" is interesting in another way, for me. As may be obvious, I am attracted to the letter Z: extremes attract me, and Z is an extreme. I cannot tell whether the use of this letter has been dictated by something belonging to the user's own real name or whether it's just a bright colour added on to a name like "Alice" -- whatever the case, the name suggests a graphic image to me -- of silver lightning bolts against a bright red background! Also a touch of flame and something like pollen -- bright yellow flecks to add to the lightning and the redness.

The sound of the word brings up associations of: zealous, Alice, sand and Andrea. Salamander and Salazar. Sandman. The person behind the name resists an obvious gender classification though my impression is of a girl-person, feminine, with some sharp edges -- perhaps a short haircut, flame-like wisps of hair framing a sharp featured and attractive face -- maybe pointy silver jewelery ... someone with a lively sense of humour and imaginative.

And there we are -- my apologies for taking so long to get around to it, including the promises to do it "this week" ... and thanks for being patient. I've been traveling for months and have only recently come home -- however weak this excuse may be, it's the truth.

Reading for ... deackie - [ACE] Keeper of hugs and real ale, pootler

Post 19


... phew! A long handle!

Hmmmm. Okay, I'll start with the first part, "deackie": lower case, one of the signs of being a web-adept and willing to identified as such -- though no longer quite so significant as it used to be, since we've all moved on from the early days of computers and some of us have shifted back to regular capitals and others have remained in strict lower-case and yet others are new to the game and eager to wear the colours -- or the case, rather -- of web-side protocol.

I have the sense of someone quite young, therefore the lower-case letters would suggest someone who is a relatively recent web-crawler, despite also being an ACE. I think the youthful impression is created by the "ie" of the name, like "minnie" or "jamie" and other diminutives. Namereading depends heavily on word associations to get itself up to speed, and so I must mention that the first and most persistent association I have for this name is "deacon" -- and I find that odd, since I can't believe this user is particularly associated with the church ... As the name's been spelt with a "k", I don't assume that "deacon" is the real source of "deackie" but that the user's true name has a connection to "Dick" or "Richard" or some combination thereof ...

Perhaps it's the rounded contours of those lower case letters which suggest a user who is somewhat apple-cheeked, often smiling and faintly ruddy -- or is that the ale speaking? And the Keeper of hugs? Yes, I think those other names do rather suit the sweet-flavoured, rounded contours of the "deackie"! I get the impression of someone who keeps warm in polo-necks, enjoys cuddles and spends a lot of time in cosy, smoky pubs. Perhaps lives in a cold, northern climate (I mean, colder and more northern than London).

Of course the whole point about namereading is that it isn't meant to be a form of divination -- I have no idea whether the real user behind this name is apple-cheeked or not -- it's only what the name suggests to me.

Someone who keeps hugs and real ale -- well that just HAS to be a nice guy, right? I do get a strong sense of a "guy" -- though that may just be another illusion brought on by the ale -- of which I have none handy, more's the pity. As for the "pootler" -- well, that just adds to the general comfy, rounded, friendly impression that this user has set out to offer to the world as a handle -- I mean, someone who calls himself a "pootler" simply CANNOT be a Hell's Angel or a mass-murderer! Unless he/she happens to be a mass-murderer AND an accomplished liar ...

But then again, it seems to me that this user values honesty -- "real ale" after all -- it's a kind of declaration of values to use the word "real" in a name. A fondness for stating absolute truths. A gladness in genuineness. A pleasure in reality. I would expect that this user enjoys being alive, is healthy and eats well.

And that's it, I think! Sorry I took so long, deackie -- and thanks for waiting, if indeed you ARE waiting ...

Reading for ... deackie - [ACE] Keeper of hugs and real ale, pootler

Post 20

Dancer (put your advert here)

Will you do mine as well?

smiley - hsif

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