This is the Message Centre for elspethdawitch

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 1

Archangel Zax

Hello there! I see you've already started moving in... very nice!

Just popped in to bring you some brownies as a pagewarming present...

Let me introduce myself.
I'm St. Zax- one of the New Guardian Angels. I'm not an Official Greeter or anything like that (those are our ACEs.. assistant community editors.. one of them will be by soon.. they're really great- EVER so helpful!!), but I am on quite a bit and love to help out... hence the sainthood!

I'll just be over at my page doing some posting, so if you need anything.. help with coding, some fun links.. a brownie or a pint, c'mon over and visit! (just click on my name at the top of this message, and the link will take you right over!)

Welcome again!
smiley - smiley
Hope to see you soon!

Saint Zax*
Patron Saint of
Naps(CoW), the True Brownie(CotTB),
and Drunken Indulgence(N.G.A.)

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 2

Ming Mang

Damn, someone did get here first!
Hello Saint Zax* you got here first!

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 3

Archangel Zax

Hi Ming! i was wondering who that was running up behind me! hope you're well!
smiley - smiley

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 4

Ming Mang

I'm All that running is not good for me. Did I sound like I was breathing hard? I probably was, anyway...
I hope you're OK too?
smiley - winkeye

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 5


Gee, all these nice people beating each other up just to be the first to welcome lil' ol' me :-= Very flattering smiley - winkeye

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 6

Ming Mang

Is it a nice feeling, though?


Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 7

Archangel Zax

Beating? what beating?

So how ya doin' eps? now that you've been on a while, is there anything you need? any great links you've found that helped a TON and you wanna share with others? anything you wish you'd known when you first signed on?

tell us! we're dying to know!

Stop HITTING me!!!

Saint(?) Zax*


Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 8


Huuum....and I thought you had forgotten about my Zax. Well now. I just decided that, at least for a while, my page will be a "rant of the day thing" - until I decide what to do with it. (ie when I bother to take the time to figure out that GuideML thing)

You boys play nice...:-=

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 9


Sure I like having guys fight over me - it happens so rarely *lol*

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 10

Archangel Zax

well, i wasn't gonna talk to an empty page!

so you're getting on ok, then?

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 11


Yes yes I'm quite alright. Going out to my uncle's for Greek Easter in a few hours...and I'm going to get a month-late birthday present tomorrow so that's _great_! Well, I'm going to go search for random things in the Guide...bye!

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 12

Archangel Zax

Elspeth!!! HI!! just saw you on the online list, and felt the overwhelming urge to come talk to you!! How've you been?? what've you been up to?? i see you're getting around...smiley - winkeye

Ok, so i have to work tomorrowsmiley - bigeyes, so i have to run.smiley - sadface Write back and let me know what's up with you!

Later, dear!
The Archangel Zax*(ACE)
smiley - winkeye

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 13

Ming Mang

OK, I couldn't help noticing you both referring to me as male. I'm female. *grins at astonished faces* Definately female.
*grins again*
*thumps Zax* happily*
*grins and dances off somewhere...*


Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 14

Archangel Zax

HEy MIng!! *I* knew you were a girl! (so i put you in a headlock... what, you expect special treatment?) LOL!!!


Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 15


Well well well, look who's back. I figured you two had abandonned me *lol* Oh well....

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 16

Ming Mang

Who, us??
Abandon you??
*looks aghast*
Uh-uh, no way, never!
*shakes head vigorously*
Would ~we~ do a thing like that??
*indicates that we wouldn't*

*agrees doubtfully with Zax...*

smiley - smiley


Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 17


Well, it's just that it had been like a month since I'd heard a peep out of either of you...

How old are you two? I feel like quite the odd duck, only being 17 and all...everyone here seems so much OLDER! *l* Are there any other people my age?

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 18

Ming Mang

Nope. I'm 15. smiley - winkeye
So, how old are you, then Zax*?
smiley - smiley


Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 19

Archangel Zax

oh! uh.. urm... uh..

i'm right in between the two of you in age...

plus 10 years!

we didn't forget you, elsp! we were here... you just didn't seem to need us... i tell ya, ming... you feed 'em, clothe 'em, and love em, post after post... then you send 'em out into the ether to make their fortune in the site, and you never hear from 'em again! They never call... they never write... only time you ever see 'em is when they need their laundry done!!

that's it... i'm going now..
smiley - smiley

Greetings, Salutations, and WELCOME!

Post 20


Firstly: Yay! Someone youger than me! Hooray for Ming! :-=
Secondly: *points at Zax and laughs* Har har you're old :ppp I don't ask cause I don't need to know yet...

Since I'm so immature, I'm gonna go get myself a popsicle :-= Bye bye!

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