Journal Entries

Sick and Tired

I'm sick and tired of seeing the same unimaginative and monotone writing styles on H2G2. Yes, i know i'm totally out of place to say that, but, this is my Journal containing my opinion, so I'm very sorry. It just seems as if people don't know how to be imaginative and give character to what they say. I'm currently in a forum i created with a few friends of mine, and it makes such a difference when creativity and a good plot is worked into the forum. Its turning out very well, and i'm enjoying it. I hope that i can get more people to add more inspirational writing to it, its there for people to read and enjoy, not for a quick mess around shoving down what you thought would make for a cheap laugh. I know this isn't a reflection of everything, there is some really good stuff, but the not so good stuff is getting me down. Sorry if i've ruffled anybody's feathers, but, its only my opinion, so, ignore it if you don't like it.

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Latest reply: Jul 11, 2000

Lod Entry2: Merry Birthday H2G2

Its quite amazing how something so timeless has reached the end its first year of life. The guide is well into party mode and things look very merry in the world of the hiker.
Good day today, I suppose. Very little happened, which can be seen as a blessing. Ideas for entries are flooding in, I just need to edit some of my mental notes and I'll be typing non-stop.
Happy Birthday H2G2, i'll be giving you some more info soon.

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Latest reply: Apr 28, 2000

Log entry 1. There's a time for everything, apart from time

Hiker's log, earthdate 22/04/00. Today is a day much like any other day, the same as the day before. A continuous cycle of wondering when anticipation won't be better than the actual event, and when we will find out what Chicken actually tastes like.
But today is special, todays the day when I first make an entry into my journal. So here I am and here it is, and here I am talking to myself about it, oh dear.
I persued in the ever pointless event of earning currency today, money is basically a paper material or metal, with a rather dull print upon it. So utterly pointless and yet so totally essential (A worthy subject for a guide entry I think). Money is the driving force behind everyones lives'. Its what we are all brought up to do, so we do it. So much for bettering ourselves, we're too busy trying to make money!
I can't help but feel that I'm never going to find the motivation to do anything, when everything that I'm supposedly working towards is a rather poorly designed piece of material.
Why on Earth is my life such a paradox, in fact, just why on Earth!

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Latest reply: Apr 22, 2000

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