This is a Journal entry by DOMINO (caught the deluge in a paper cup)

Log entry 1. There's a time for everything, apart from time

Post 1

DOMINO (caught the deluge in a paper cup)

Hiker's log, earthdate 22/04/00. Today is a day much like any other day, the same as the day before. A continuous cycle of wondering when anticipation won't be better than the actual event, and when we will find out what Chicken actually tastes like.
But today is special, todays the day when I first make an entry into my journal. So here I am and here it is, and here I am talking to myself about it, oh dear.
I persued in the ever pointless event of earning currency today, money is basically a paper material or metal, with a rather dull print upon it. So utterly pointless and yet so totally essential (A worthy subject for a guide entry I think). Money is the driving force behind everyones lives'. Its what we are all brought up to do, so we do it. So much for bettering ourselves, we're too busy trying to make money!
I can't help but feel that I'm never going to find the motivation to do anything, when everything that I'm supposedly working towards is a rather poorly designed piece of material.
Why on Earth is my life such a paradox, in fact, just why on Earth!

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Log entry 1. There's a time for everything, apart from time

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