This is a Journal entry by DOMINO (caught the deluge in a paper cup)

Sick and Tired

Post 1

DOMINO (caught the deluge in a paper cup)

I'm sick and tired of seeing the same unimaginative and monotone writing styles on H2G2. Yes, i know i'm totally out of place to say that, but, this is my Journal containing my opinion, so I'm very sorry. It just seems as if people don't know how to be imaginative and give character to what they say. I'm currently in a forum i created with a few friends of mine, and it makes such a difference when creativity and a good plot is worked into the forum. Its turning out very well, and i'm enjoying it. I hope that i can get more people to add more inspirational writing to it, its there for people to read and enjoy, not for a quick mess around shoving down what you thought would make for a cheap laugh. I know this isn't a reflection of everything, there is some really good stuff, but the not so good stuff is getting me down. Sorry if i've ruffled anybody's feathers, but, its only my opinion, so, ignore it if you don't like it.

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