Journal Entries

Something's gotta give...

...and it's the house. You can only try and do so much at once so we've decided to stay put and concentrate being a family in waiting. The stress was definitely getting to my wife which wasn't good for her in her condition - but it wasn't until we called and informed the agents that I realised how much stress I was feeling.

We've still got things to do now we're staying - home inprovements and some decorating but all in all it'll be easier on all concerned. which is just as well for my rapidly expanding missus. Definitely in maternity clothes 70% of the time; getting tired very easily and all the rest - and still less than half way through!

Next scan due in 3 weeks - this is the biggy, lot's of detail. Two of everything if possible on one head and body. Don't really want to know the sex - it'll be good to save some suprises for later. In the meantime we need to restore some kind of normality over the summer - hopefully that's not asking too much?

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Latest reply: May 30, 2000

Scans, hormones and estate agents.

So, I didn't update as quickly as I claimed I would, but hey, what's your own journal for if you can't neglect it!

So we had the scan - wow! Wasn't expecting to be so amazed but I was. Could clearly see a beating heart and it had a good stretch while we were watching. Hadn't really anticipated seeing what was so clearly a little person.

Other developments are also becoming more obvious - my wife no longer fits into a lot of her clothes so is feeling unfashinable as well as uncomfortable. On top of this, the British weather has started to get too warm and humid for comfort (yeah, yeah - complain when its cold; complain when its hot) and even I've started to notice the good old emotional hormone tearbursts are more frequent and are teetering on the brink of explosion just about 24 hours a day.

And to top it all, we're trying to move house. What we thought in January would take no more than 5 weeks max is now 5 months and counting. Not a situation conducive to happy homes between a pregnant missus and "soon to lose his season-ticket" expectant father.

But then when I wonder what the hell I've got myself into I look at the scan photo again. Soppy bugger.

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Latest reply: May 15, 2000

End of the world as I know it.

No I'm not predicting the apocalypse - nothing as insignificant as mutually assured destruction by bomb, meteor or the Spice Girls could have the impact of what awaits me in 6 months or so. I'm 3 months closer to being a first time dad than I was 3 months ago. There's nothing like planned fatherhood to scare the bejeesus out of you. And the reason I'm putting all this down here is because cyberspace seems to be the only place I can freely let off pre-birth steam without getting well meaning advice from people who matter.

Not that any of you who may read this don't matter - its just that you don't know me so any advice can be openly ignored without fear of causing a rift between us!

So that will do for a first journal entry, except to let you know that our first scan is this Friday and I'm dreading that come Saturday we'll be expecting twice the size of family we were planning the day before. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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Latest reply: Apr 16, 2000

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