This is the Message Centre for PhilB


Post 1

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

Since you're new here, I thought I'd stop by and say hello. (Although, to comply with your journal entry, I will not offer any well-meaning advice on fatherhood). I'm with a group called the h2g2 Guardian Angels (found at who are here to offer advice on all matters related to the guide. Soon enough, you will get a visit from an ACE, the offical group responsible for doing this. If you need any advice, have any questions, or just want to chat, stop by the Angel's page or visit my own (click on my name above). Nice to have you.

Hello - thanks for the welcome.

Post 2


Thanks for popping by and saying hello - always gratifying to know someone has at least read what you spent time writing.

Good to know someone's out there making sure no one dies of thirst in a cyber desert - I'm sure I'll need some advice soon as I really want to get round to writing some usefull guide entries once I find some time in between placating my wife, becoming a father and moving house!

Easy life huh?

Hello - thanks for the welcome.

Post 3

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

It's always gratifying to see that people read my welcomes. You'd be surpised at how few responses I get. In fact, I'm shocked at how many people sign up to be researchers and never even update their pages or participate in forums.

And of course I'm always willing to offer advice, not that I have much to give. smiley - winkeye

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