Hi - I'm Jim Lad

Yep - thats me - I live in Midrand, South Africa - an import from the UK at age 12. Can't really remember all that much about the UK and SA is where I call home.

I was born Christopher Trevor Browne on 24 December 1966 in Wellyn Garden City in Hertfordshire and spent the first 12 years of my life living in Hatfield, not far from what is now British Aerospace.

I finished my schooling in South Africa and went on to study BCom part time, but after 3 years (ok, so I'm a little slow, sue me) I realised that accountancy is the most mind-numbingly boring thing that a person can do with his life and went into computers instead, just at the time that PC's were becoming a part of everyday life.

I'm now a programmer, currently working at a large law firm (so I was wrong - accountancy is the second most mind-numbingly boring thing that a person can do with his life, sue me again) in Johannesburg.

In case anybody is wondering, the Jim Lad thing is a throwback to the old arcade games - it was really boring entering "CTB" in the high score list so I started to use JIM. Of course when my father found out about this he started walking around saying things like "Arrrr, Jim Lad" and "Pieces of Eight" and even threatened to buy me a (toy) parrot. I guess it just stuck, like some other stuff which I can't mention here, but if you really want to know you can look up the excellent entry about Toilet Paper.

Riding my bike - I own a beautiful '95 RGV250 - quick enough to have some serious fun with, but not so fast as to scare me.
Reading - I read a lot, but not quite as much since the advent of WWW.
Computer games - Racing simulations, mostly. I'm currently racing Sports Car GT in an offline league - currently 3rd in the championship.
Drinking - well, not drinking as such, but going to pub's which have live music. So while I'm there I may as well partake. (That's my story, and I'm sticking to it).


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Jim Lad

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