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Post 1

cafram - in the states.

Is that like a smiley - corncob crossed with a smiley - hotdog??


Post 2


First, I envy you for being able to use h2g2 icons better than me. And're almost right. In fact you have inspired me to write my first guide entry in about 7 months - after this week is over. Ever try Edison's sleep schedule technique? I'm trying it now and it's...not working.


Post 3

cafram - in the states.

I had to look the smileys up to make sure they actually existed!! I've never even heard of Edison's sleep technique (feeling uneducated now...smiley - sadface) - what is it? I normally go with "if I stay awake for ages I *might* fall asleep" - insomnia is evil smiley - online2long


Post 4


Edison's sleep technique - Old Thomas was so busy inventing things that he didn't feel like sleeping. So, what he did was cat nap. He'd take maybe an hour nap every 12 hours and then get back to work. Somehow he managed to keep sane. Or maybe it was that insanity that helped him invent!


Post 5

cafram - in the states.

Ah - we call that a 'Powernap' - it really really works! Lectures are great plaes to powernap, just as long as you sit near the back and don't fall out of your seat...smiley - winkeye


Post 6


Yeah, that's fine if you're a student. But I have to teach a wee bit as well. Today I had to ask a student what day it is because I couldn't for the life of me remember!


Post 7

cafram - in the states.

lol...There should be those things they have in banks - you know - the big things thta show the day and the date...calender things...there should be those everywhere so you know.

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