Journal Entries

Post March 17

Here's a good tip for you all out there - it's pretty obvious. If you want to actually do something *productive* the day after St Patrick's, do NOT drink 4 Guinness within a 20 minute period, and that's after 4 hours of otherwise steady drinking.

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Latest reply: Mar 19, 2001

March 15

Ides of March Day! TOGA! TOGA! TOGA!

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Latest reply: Mar 16, 2001

March 14

Today some friends and I went out Frisbee Golfing on the Colorado State University Campus. I also decided to bring along my Cat, Sophitia, and my roommate brought along his cat, Sazha. Sophitia was a wee bit nervous, but seemed to enjoy herself until the dog came by (big, 5 times her size). She was either brave or stupid and attacked the dog. The dog was confused, with a severe WTF expression on its face. It ran away, deciding squirrels were better prey than hyper-intelligent bipolar felines. The day was nice, but then, out of nowhere, the winds came. I was luckily able to get Sophitia indoors before the worst hit. Unfortunately, I wasn't bright enough to get indoors myself as we all walked (including Sazha secured in my roommate's backpack) to one of Fort Collins' best sandwich shops, the Pickel Barrel. We opted to eat outside so Sazha could at least peek out of her backpack safely (she really liked it in there, for some reason). Unfortunately, then the blizzard started. We got a few curious looks from the aristocrats inside the warm sandwich shop, but we had a purpose - to pet Sazha and eat with honor and dignity. And so we did. In a cold, horrible way. Except for Sazha - she's got the brains of our group.

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Latest reply: Mar 15, 2001

Note to Self #2 and #2.5

First, Don't be stupid and edit your H2G2 page at the crack of dawn when you have to give a lecture in 8 hours.

Second, don't swallow flaming torches at a party because you'll get Strep Throat.

Interesting side note for Jugglers in the UK:
In my opinion, the best torch (not flashlights, you know what I mean) fuel is Coleman Fuel (tm). It has a low flash point so you can do a lot of neat start up tricks and it burns well for a quick 3 minute show. The bad thing is that in Britain, it costs 4-5 times as much for Coleman fues as it does in the States. That should make you sad. Still, you should use it.

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Latest reply: Mar 14, 2001

Augh! Marine Biology!

There's this guy who lives in the granite city of Aberdeen, Scotland. *points and laughs, haha!* He likes fish. He like's fish so much that he calls himself, "El Fishslayer." I suggest you go to his page. Why? Because he's studying important stuff, stuff everyone needs to know in their everyday lives. Sort of. Maybe. Em....just visit his page!

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Latest reply: Mar 14, 2001

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