This is the Message Centre for Insane Endeavour


Post 1

Insane Endeavour

See below entry!

These last journal entries have been very boring! smiley - sadface So what can I write here that's ever so exciting, spontaneous and frankly absolute rubbish?

Quite a lot I should imagine!

Blah, b;ah, b;agh!
Oops. Slightly corrupted blahs there! smiley - smiley

Okay, I have no idea what to say! smiley - sadface
I think I'll say "bye"







Post 2

Hopelessly Paranoid

ahh, don't worry about it, journal entries aren't meant to be sparkly. smiley - smiley I have trouble with them too. Something will come up and in a flash you'll be up there with the likes of Adrian Mole in your journal writing prowess. Until then... well... try not to kill anyone, boredom is a dangerous tool in the wrong hands smiley - smiley



Post 3

Insane Endeavour

Humm, yes that's very true! Now... who do I hate?
But I like to have sparkly journals! smiley - sadface Boring ones are, well, boring!

So what are you doing with your hols? Bored too?



Post 4

Hopelessly Paranoid

Yah, yah I am a bit. I didn't realize you replied either smiley - tongueout

I want to do swanky and sparkly journals too! And a sparkly page... but its not working out at the moment.

Just been lazing about mainly. Though I am going to Reading on Thursday smiley - smiley

Which reminds me. Good luck with your results smiley - smiley

Also, by a bizzare set of coincidences your lime green cloud is now my wallpaper... (arrrrgh, green clouds invading my screen, I only wanted the one...)... I can't be bothered to change it, its nice.

Keep me posted smiley - winkeye



Post 5

Insane Endeavour

Lol! Oh well! At least they'll keep you safe from invasions of large green clouds! smiley - smiley

You're going to Reading? To do what? I don't live that far from Reading... well not a million miles. (But then, I don't know many people who live that far from it!)

I don't know whether my page is sparkly or not, but it just keeps growing. I do something/join something/create a strange little graphics and plonk it on there! It's quite fun! One day I'll have so much on there it'll take a day to load! smiley - smiley

Good luck with the *gulp* GCSE results tomorrow! I'm sure you'll do fine! You must be much more intelligent that me to even want to do the A-Levels on your page! I'm glad to be dropping half of those! What do you want to go on to do?

Anyways, speak to you soon,



Post 6

Insane Endeavour

I'm a sooooooo dum! What would you be doing if you were going to Reading this week! Shopping!?! Sorry. I was a little thick there! smiley - smiley

You can tell I'm not going can't you! smiley - smiley


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