Journal Entries
Posted Jun 11, 2000
Who invented the End of Year Exam. Death to you!
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Latest reply: Jun 11, 2000
Web Page
Posted Jun 10, 2000
First, I would recomend 'Sams teach yourself HTML in 24 hours' by Dick Oliver. Its great for the previously HTML mindless. The Web page should definatly be on the web by 17/6/2000. To get the domain name it cost us £12 per year for Tripod. But to put very much on it it will cost us about £50 per year. (Not fitting in with the average budget of a 2 12year old lads desperatly needeing money.) The answer? A scam! yeas we are going with another web provider, thats free, but has a dodgy address )likr:\UK\ We then by a FREE automatic re-direction to that site from Tripod (costing nought) wich means wen www.planetgj.cpm is typed in, you get directed to the dodgy name!
Money saving tip from the Skint one!
The Slart
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Latest reply: Jun 10, 2000
What happened this week?
Posted May 4, 2000
Well on Monday it was bank holiday, and Johnny came round to help with the Maths Investigation. Together we mucked around on notepad and created a small page using his HTML skills. We then decided to make this a serios thing, so I decided to learn HTML. Johnny is using an HTML book which (from amazon) costs 9 quid.
On Tuesday I spent all day doing nothing apart from watching Telly, Internet, etc, etc.
On Wednesday I re-discovered the delights of school (see prevous Journal) were we had to play mindless relay games, learn how to pronouce 'weil' in German. Wasted a lesson watching the Truman show in English and finally did another minute pae on the alarmingly slow IT project in IT.
Thursday was also dull, but I did hand in the 36 page Maths Investigation which took up most of my holiday!
Interesting? I think no
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Latest reply: May 4, 2000
Oh Great !
Posted May 2, 2000
Yep, its that wonderful time again SCHOOL, oh well 4 weeks until wit
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Latest reply: May 2, 2000
Phew, I'm Back!
Posted Apr 30, 2000
After 10 days of login problems Slartis is back and has sorted himself out. If any of you register and get to your home page and are still un-registered then this is what fixed it for me:
1)This is for Microsoft IE5 and is 'How to enable cookies'.
2)Click on TOOLS then INTERnet OPTIONS
3)Click on the Secerity Tab
4)Click on 'Custom Level'
5)In th Cookies Section tick the box to allow cookies and re-login'
Cookies are part of the secerity settings so make sure you know what they are before you do this.
Hope this dosent happen to you lot, and thank you Blurbottle for help!
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Latest reply: Apr 30, 2000
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