This is a Journal entry by Legolas the Slart
Phew, I'm Back!
Legolas the Slart Started conversation Apr 30, 2000
After 10 days of login problems Slartis is back and has sorted himself out. If any of you register and get to your home page and are still un-registered then this is what fixed it for me:
1)This is for Microsoft IE5 and is 'How to enable cookies'.
2)Click on TOOLS then INTERnet OPTIONS
3)Click on the Secerity Tab
4)Click on 'Custom Level'
5)In th Cookies Section tick the box to allow cookies and re-login'
Cookies are part of the secerity settings so make sure you know what they are before you do this.
Hope this dosent happen to you lot, and thank you Blurbottle for help!
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Phew, I'm Back!
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