This is a Journal entry by Legolas the Slart
What happened this week?
Legolas the Slart Started conversation May 4, 2000
Well on Monday it was bank holiday, and Johnny came round to help with the Maths Investigation. Together we mucked around on notepad and created a small page using his HTML skills. We then decided to make this a serios thing, so I decided to learn HTML. Johnny is using an HTML book which (from amazon) costs 9 quid.
On Tuesday I spent all day doing nothing apart from watching Telly, Internet, etc, etc.
On Wednesday I re-discovered the delights of school (see prevous Journal) were we had to play mindless relay games, learn how to pronouce 'weil' in German. Wasted a lesson watching the Truman show in English and finally did another minute pae on the alarmingly slow IT project in IT.
Thursday was also dull, but I did hand in the 36 page Maths Investigation which took up most of my holiday!
Interesting? I think no
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