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Moorhuhnjagd (swamp-chicken-hunting) is a funny freeware - game produced
as a commercial. You have to hunt as many swamp-chicken in 90 sec. as you
are able to, to reach highscore. My personally highscore at the moment
is 735 but it will rise up...
<p>good hunting
<p>adabsurdum wanted me to show him a pic of a swamp-chicken.
<td>Here is a screenshot:
<p><img SRC="" >" height=200 width=265></td>
<td>and this is the most dangerous of all:
<p><img SRC="" >" height=200 width=140></td>
<p>PS: My Highscore is at 905 and doesn`t rise... :-(
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
905 | Mar 12, 2000 |
Who believes becomes holy ! | Mar 3, 2000 |
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
905 - never more? | Mar 12, 2000 | No Replies |
905 | Mar 12, 2000 | No Replies |
swamp-chicken | Mar 5, 2000 | No Replies |
Who believes becomes holy ! | Mar 3, 2000 | No Replies |
I shot 905 tonight! | Mar 3, 2000 | No Replies |
Researcher U113517
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