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Xanthippe Posted Mar 7, 2000
I can't believe that! My personally highscore is 785 at the moment, but it doesen't raise since two weeks.
Greetings to the lagopus lagopus (da gemeine Moorschneehuhn) from Xanthippe
PS: Take a look at:
adabsurdum Posted Mar 8, 2000
Hey Moorhuhn,
is there anything else you are interested in ?
Have a look at the Ziegenproblem, take part in the naf-club, enjoy some information about Marburg or mathematics
all starting from "Welcome at Am Grün 58"
And stop gacking in the morning, I can't sleep !
No Jaegerlatein
Moorhuhn Posted Mar 12, 2000
Xantippe, perhapes your mouse or your mousepad are not ok...? All My friends get over 850!
I cant`t understand the Ziegenproblem but the idea of the naf-club ist good. Waht about a Moorhuhn-naf-club? Those chickenget on my nerves - Kill them!!!
And by the way: If I can`t rise my Highscore within a week, I would like to found a Moorhuhnjagd - naf-club... Then the Game should be shot off my harddisk...
by the way
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