This is the Message Centre for Thursday

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6241


Well, one clap, as I said.

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6242

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

The sound of one hand clapping is "cl"

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6243


It's not one hand clapping, it's two hands clapping once.

And it depends upon what the hand claps.

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6244

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing


No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6245


smiley - erm

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6246


smiley - erm?

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6247


smiley - headhurts

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6248


smiley - tongueout

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6249


smiley - erm = smiley - huh + smiley - headhurts

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6250


Why are you smiley - erm?

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6251


>>>And it depends upon what the hand claps<<<

If you only clap once, how can this work?

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6252


We have two conflicting things going on here. My concept was of just clapping once, which doesn't count as applause. However, this led to the concept of one hand clapping, and what noise it makes. The three camps on this are "...." "cl"/"ap" and depends what it hits.

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6253



No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6254


A simple explaination. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to come up with some riddles.

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6255



No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6256


Visit the racetrack.

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6257


But that involves running smiley - wah

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6258


You of all people ought to know, given what you're studying (yes, I've been to your PS) that exercise is good for you. smiley - tongueout

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6259


smiley - yikes I thought no-one ever looked there, and now twice in one week I find out people have noticed my existence! smiley - run

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6260


You exist?!

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