This is the Message Centre for Thursday

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6181


smiley - laugh Fooled you...

*sees Thingites running towards him with large steak knives*

Waaaaaah! smiley - run

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6182


*sees them too, and smiley - runs after Thursday*

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6183


*realises Thingites are a hallucination and stops, only to be flattened by the stampede*

smiley - injured

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6184

What_is_life? v3.01 [RCHD] Through the Star Gate

gets angry and scares away all thingites!


No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6185


smiley - flustered th*ngies? smiley - flustered

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6186


Just my paranoia... smiley - winkeye

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6187


Is it? Or are you now a th*ngy yourself? smiley - flustered

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6188



Say it ain't so!

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6189




No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6190


Er what?

Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday
Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday
Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday

So there.

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6191

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Friendship can be a close relationship.

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6192


Does that mean you don't want to marry me? smiley - cry

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6193

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

(Did I miss something lol) smiley - laugh

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6194

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

smiley - erm How did this become an issue?

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6195


I don't know... mental illness, lots of piglets, marriage. That's all I remember. smiley - blush

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6196

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

Good combination, aye piglets, I presume a bit of smiley - stiffdrink too?

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6197

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

What?! I don't even drink! Let alone drinks that are rigid!

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6198


Rigid drinks are for rock hard people onlysmiley - ermsmiley - coolsmiley - drunk

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6199

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

nothing wrong with a good smiley - stiffdrink

No No No! What is going on? Please, tell me!

Post 6200


The only thing better than smiley - stiffdrink is smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

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