well,Me really
Hi I am Tom,AKA Groovester.I live here on earth,and I Don't want no smartie-pance furry things from Alpha Centurai mocking my lifestyle.
You may be familiar with field researcher "Cavebloke",he is my brothers friend and he is very tall, so watch it! I will be updating this every so often to let you know about anything but don't expect personal details(Damn,there's a few above!).
8-) NEWS 8-)
It appears people are unable to purchase guns therefore cannot shoot there computers(see my entry dealing with computers at http://www.h2g2.com/A268481" >http://www.h2g2.com/A268481). Do not worry. Hit it with a baseball bat instead!
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
So, so, you're back, yes? | Feb 25, 2000 | Feb 27, 2000 |
Hi Groovester! | Feb 24, 2000 | Feb 27, 2000 |
Is this yours,Tommy. | Feb 25, 2000 | Feb 25, 2000 |
Quite right too.Ely, HUH! | Feb 25, 2000 | No Replies |
Researcher U112400
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