This is the Message Centre for Buff


Post 1

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I'm just begining to get my homepage sorted out, can I please link to your page from mine? How are you keeping by the way?

Uni, despite being full of students, is actually really boring because my lectures don't start again for another fortnight. ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

Roite! I'm off for a shower - see you later.
Clive smiley - smiley


Post 2


Of course you can put a link to my page on yours. smiley - smiley

My life is not very exciting. My classes at school have been going for a month now, and they're all really easy. I've actually finished a one credit course already. (LIB 111 - information literacy...all about the dewey decimal system...sooo exciting i could just have slept right through it)I haven't got my grade back yet though.

And I'm in a public speaking class. It's really funny how all the people in my class are terrified of having to get up and speak in front of a bunch of disinterested college students, who are all going to have to speak themselves in a minute or two. I mean, if your'e going to be terrified of speaking in front of people, at least go find an audiance who are actually scary.

Anyhow, that's about all for now. Have fun (or at least an intereating time) at Uni...

Bye now
smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 3

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

All settled in to Uni again now. My new corridor of friends are all pretty cool. I'm going back home to see my brother next week. Have you seen how the h2g2 story time has developed? It's getting really far now. I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages - the time indicator in the forum reckons it has only been a couple of weeks. Feels longer. I having some real difficulty getting My Space sorted. I had wanted a list of nice people and cool places somewhat like yours but I can't seem to get the link to your page to show up in GuideML. I'll see you anon. Pop over to my page occasonally if you want. (Hell - you know my e-mail don't you?)

Luv Richardsmiley - smiley

P.S note the new Keeper status!!! smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 4


smiley - smiley

I've been madly busy with school too. As a matter fo fact I should be writing a speech right now...

if you're really having problems with you "My Space" maybe you should try asking Bruce at the guideML clinic. Theres a link to it on my pull down link list.

I havent been here (H2G2) in like a week and a half.... this is the first message ive answered. So I'm off to see what's new...

smiley - smiley
bye now smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 5

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Hello there!

Hey! if this is only 10 minutes ago, maybe you will still catch this.

I have finally brought a magic-8-ball. Ask it a question and I'll tell you what it replies....

Clive smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 6



I forgot! You're at Uni you can be online at all hours!

*really big smile*

smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 7


And I see you've got uour bage working. It looks good.

smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 8


Question for the magic 8-ball....

What! is the capitol of Assyria?

smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 9

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Guess who is still on line right now?

I've been trying to post another message for the past few minutes but being at university does not preclude one from encountering bloody-minded computer networks insisting on playing sillybuggers with you. I'll try again directly after I finished this one.

Which would be now wouldn't it?

P.S on Further Developments - I'll check with all aformentioned parties to see how the situation resolved itself in the end. I'll let you know tomorrow.

Richard smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 10

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

"Who Knows"

I'm not kidding!!! smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 11

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Hmmm...Confused simul-posting...

Ah well, here was the message I have been trying to pst for earlier. The syntax of this entire forum may now bhave been shot throught but here goes...

My home page is coming along sice I last bemoned it's total non-compliance. I finally (after many fruitless recheckings of the GuideML) worked out what was causing the bother. I had an extreaneous > on one of the <LINK= brackets. It kept putting up the text but not the link to your space. All fixed now though. smiley - smiley

What is the speech for? When I come back from home on Sunday I'm going to start getting prepared for essay duties.
Meanwhile however, I await two imortant dates ("important", read: 'trivial but fun') On 6th November I will be receiving through the post my long-awaited and pre-ordered copy of Fight Club but before that even on 2nd November sees the U.K publication of the next Discworld Novel, "The Truth".

Currently it approaching something like 1.00am. Which is a pity because I have to be up at 8.00 for breakfast and an eary series of lectures. I am also still under the pains of the 'Freshers Flu' ungrateful so-and-so's have only gone and infected me with a cold which is more irritating than anything else. *sniff* but which means more doses of Lemsip (TM) and much sucking of the Lockets (TM).


Richard smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 12

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

And this was the bit that I think was causeing all the problems....

Now this won't work, because of the way postings don't recognise spaces as breakers, but this is supposed to look like and ostrich...

| |
| |
" "

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 13


That looks quite a lot like an ostrich actually.

Here it is 8:37pm.

The speech...*sigh*

It is supposed to be a three to five minute extemporaneus speech, the purpose being to entertain. The subject (which I chose almost at random) is romance novels. Basically I'm just going to blather on about the vital importance of bulging thews and flashing eyes for as long as i can stand to. And i also plan to quote some of the jucier bits if a couple of novels. My teacher is going to grade more on presentation than content (thank the gods) so it should be fine as long as i can get the class to laugh a few times.


smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 14


oh...and here are some silly emoticons ive learned...

8) <---frog face

==]>>>>>>>>> <----sword of damocles (spelling?)

'' <-----very surprised guy

&gtsmiley - winkeye <----bird (non-ostrich)

There was another one but i cant remember it...

smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 15


And here's another interesting thing I've found on H2G2...

this is the H2G2 picture gallery...with handy instructions for how to put whatever you find onto your page...

smiley - smiley

Fluffy Bunnies.

Post 16


And here's another interesting thing I've found on H2G2...

this is the H2G2 picture gallery...with handy instructions for how to put whatever you find onto your page...

smiley - smiley

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