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Mistake! I said I ring my friends, father, family, And then left it at that!

I ring my friends, father, family [exeption of 'Gods'] but they don't ring me. ECt...................

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Latest reply: Feb 17, 2005

Still Searching

Ever looked deep down into yourself and wondered exactly who you are? Are your relationships simply one-sided and that all you hold dear is but the imagination of a frozen mind?
This guy called Wolfgang Died in his apartment one day and no-one missed him. 5 years later someone opened the door and found Wolfgangs skeleton in an armchair. If you died, how long would you lie forgotton?
How long would I lie in an apartment until someone said, hey wheres that guy gone?
I ring my friends, father, family [exeption of 'Gods'].
A record would be kept however.
Smartcolourblue has not made an entry for 5 years.
If we knew we would die and no-one would miss us would we make more of an effort in life? Strive to develop relationships that would otherwise have become stagnent? To be remembered just to be remembered full stop.
We ARE dying.
This is my sunset.
smiley - blue

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Latest reply: Feb 17, 2005


I wake up most days feeling an immense sense of power. (After the coffee of course. Lots of coffee.) I can make a difference today. So striding confidently down the stairs I think of the good I can do today, the rights that I can wrong, all that potential. And then I go to work. There you go an immediate hammer blow to the head. smiley - blue
I am becoming more and more convinced that work and to a far greater degree, school is concerned with one thing only, the crushing of the spirit. What is a uniform or a suit but a subtle tool devised to dampen the personality of the wearer? Once everyone dresses the same they eventually start to do and say things in unison. In the case of Springfield elementary blinking in unison (I love that sound). At roughly the age of four a child with a growing personality is introduced into the education system i.e. a uniform. By the end of school that personality has been replaced by a mindless drone ready for the working world where employers are only too happy to receive these drones as they are the perfect employees. As a result these companies give funding to the school so they can produce more drones. The cycle continues. Our society is doomed! If all we are is a generation of drones then who will take the initiative? True there are those who make it through school and work (being told that they think the rules don't apply to them when in fact that should be true) and who go on to be Initiative People. Is there enough of these people though? What we are left with is a Pre-Hitler scenario, a populace in need of a leader and one twisted individual who has a way with inspiring words and a hint of promise in his eyes. Enter dictatorship.
Hey! That's not a bad idea! Rise oppressed souls! I hold hope for you, for your future. Join together and follow me to a new tomorrow! smiley - biggrin No? Well, it sure was worth a try though wasn't it?
My point being that our personalities are at stake and those of our children etc. Don't ignore that voice, that potential in the morning, you CAN make a difference, if not to the world at least to yourself and that's just as good.
Me, I'm going to work!

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Latest reply: Dec 6, 2004

Life’s 10

When it comes to life, there are more questions then answers. I will however share with you a couple of things I have found that have helped me to make some sort of sense from it all.
1. The best things in life are free; only if you steal them.
2. Treating women like objects is wrong; they are rare jewels.
3. A sense of humour is important in this life; laughing at others is fun but laughing at yourself is what will get you through the day.
4. When trying to continue a conversation with someone, talk about them; it's their favourite subject.
5. Give gifts. I have had unprecedented results with little Ewok Teddy-bears. You will never be sorry you did.
6. Stay close to your family; when things get tough they will be the only ones who will laugh in your face, the rest of the world will do it behind your back.
7. Do your very best to live your dreams; you deserve only the best. The only person that can kill them is you.
8. Close your eyes and smile at least once a day; just be careful where you do it!
9. Crows are evil; never trust anything with an accusing glare, it means you've done or are going to do something wrong.
10. And above all, Trust in yourself; you are better than you think you are.
And with that I'm going to bed. smiley - zzz

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Latest reply: Dec 6, 2004

Mobile Sickness

It is impossible nowadays to go anywhere withiut being baraged with a million different beeps, blips and various different polyphonic ringtones! It used to be that a text alert was to let you know when you had a message. Now it says, 'Hey world look at this guy he has a message'. The cinema was one of the few refuges, where all turned of their god forsaken mobiles. But this is no more. No longer do people respect this sacred rule. BEEP 'Hi Eddie? No i can talk it hasen't started yet'. Never have i wanted to kill someone in the cinema so much!
The mobile phone threatens to destroy our entire social system.
At certain points throughout the day, people were forced to interact with those around them because of a lack of things to do sheer boredom. Leading to good friendships and a nice social fluidity. Now these people just whip out their mobiles and immediatly errect a social barrier.
We have become the mobile phone generation. Is this really something to be proud of?
It is a disease. It is spreading and it is getting worse.
I have a mobile, I have nothing against the possesion of a mobile as long as it is set to vibate or on silent not to squak with all its mechanical voice!
It is a means of communication thats it! Now mobiles do a thousand other things which in itself is not a bad thing but it is extending the amount of time spent on them. The addiction grows untill you find that if you were to lose ot or the battery dies you feel an imennse loss and a disturbing paranoia, a creeping dread, dispair, helplessness and doubt. And being without the thing that took up so much of thie time leaves them with an enormous feeling of empyness. I do know the feeling.
So please, please keep you phone on silent? smiley - blue

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Latest reply: Dec 3, 2004

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