This is a Journal entry by Smartcolourblue

Life’s 10

Post 1


When it comes to life, there are more questions then answers. I will however share with you a couple of things I have found that have helped me to make some sort of sense from it all.
1. The best things in life are free; only if you steal them.
2. Treating women like objects is wrong; they are rare jewels.
3. A sense of humour is important in this life; laughing at others is fun but laughing at yourself is what will get you through the day.
4. When trying to continue a conversation with someone, talk about them; it's their favourite subject.
5. Give gifts. I have had unprecedented results with little Ewok Teddy-bears. You will never be sorry you did.
6. Stay close to your family; when things get tough they will be the only ones who will laugh in your face, the rest of the world will do it behind your back.
7. Do your very best to live your dreams; you deserve only the best. The only person that can kill them is you.
8. Close your eyes and smile at least once a day; just be careful where you do it!
9. Crows are evil; never trust anything with an accusing glare, it means you've done or are going to do something wrong.
10. And above all, Trust in yourself; you are better than you think you are.
And with that I'm going to bed. smiley - zzz

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