This is a Journal entry by Smartcolourblue

Still Searching

Post 1


Ever looked deep down into yourself and wondered exactly who you are? Are your relationships simply one-sided and that all you hold dear is but the imagination of a frozen mind?
This guy called Wolfgang Died in his apartment one day and no-one missed him. 5 years later someone opened the door and found Wolfgangs skeleton in an armchair. If you died, how long would you lie forgotton?
How long would I lie in an apartment until someone said, hey wheres that guy gone?
I ring my friends, father, family [exeption of 'Gods'].
A record would be kept however.
Smartcolourblue has not made an entry for 5 years.
If we knew we would die and no-one would miss us would we make more of an effort in life? Strive to develop relationships that would otherwise have become stagnent? To be remembered just to be remembered full stop.
We ARE dying.
This is my sunset.
smiley - blue

Still Searching

Post 2


Existentialism, at such a young age! Disgraceful.

The desire to be remembered after you die is an interesting one, after all it's not gonna matter to you once you actually die. So I think it stems from a search for meaning in life, and an attempt to come to terms with it's transient nature. We don't want to be the only ones who think our lives are important.
At the same time we want to be independant, to carve out our own niche in life. Thats why we get that apartment on our own, why we pursue our own goals and follow our own path. There's a fine balance to be found between independance and integration with our friends/family/(not 'Gods') etc, and we don't always get it right. But there's always room for improvement.

Yes we are dying. We're all dying.
Let's share the experience.

Still Searching

Post 3


Mass suacide??? .................. OK sure!
smiley - biggrin

Still Searching

Post 4


".....I still haven't found
what I'm looking for."

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