This is the Message Centre for The blob

Towel theifs

Post 61

Dizzy H. Muffin

Then what's this?

[uses the Force to lift the Blob three and a half inches above the ground and lets go]

Towel theifs

Post 62

Jacculus of Rome

Hey,YK, that was a useless waste of a good floor!

* Stares down through hole in blob's wake

Hmmm... can the Force be used for floor repairs?

Towel theifs

Post 63

Dizzy H. Muffin

I speck.

[uses the Force to repair the floor]

Towel theifs

Post 64

Jacculus of Rome

Um, I hate to tell you this, but the Blob's still on the other side.

Ah well!

* Sits on newly repaired floor

Towel theifs

Post 65

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Jacculus falls through what is actually a Force illusion, which vanishes]

[through hole in floor] Hatred is the path to the dark side.

[A pie from below hits him in the face]

Towel theifs

Post 66

Jacculus of Rome

I can't get back!

* Claws desperately at slimy tunnel walls


* Falls with terrible cry

Towel theifs

Post 67

Dizzy H. Muffin

Oh! Here you go!

[YK throws down a rope with a weight attatched to the other end; the weight is pulled over by the weight of the rest of the rope, knocking YK into the hole with the rest of them]


[or something like that]

Towel theifs

Post 68

Jacculus of Rome

* The lid of the hole closes inexorably over. The brave comrades are enclosed in pitch blackness, with no sound save the whistle of the air through which they fall

Towel theifs

Post 69

The blob

*starts ragged mechanical breathing*

Your powers are weak old man, you should not have come back. When I left I was the learner ,now I am the master, the circle is now complete.

*skin changes to a tall black outfit complete with helmet and Lightsaber of the red variety*

Join me YK, give in to the dark side and we can rule the Galaxy together.

*notices the error with this scene and cuts off YK's left hand*

YK, know this; I am your father.

Towel theifs

Post 70

Dizzy H. Muffin

You're not fooling anyone, you know. My dad works as a proofreader on a planet called Earth. And besides, I'm over there! [points behind Blob, who gives him a look which gives an impression of incredulity that someone thinks he'll fall for that. YK disappears and Blob gets whopped over the head by YK's disarmed lightsaber] Cheeze, don't you know to believe a Jedi when he tells you something!?

Towel theifs

Post 71

The blob

*continues mechanical ragged breathing*

Impressive, there is a tremor in the force I have not felt since...
He is here.

*whips out double bladed lightsaber*

Come on YK defend yourself like you were fighting the real Darth Vader. I am the new Sithlord; Daft Vader.

*swipes out at YK who only just manages to avoid being cut in half by the blades*

(Oh and sorry about your hand!)
Now we will see who is the stronger in the force.

*time freezes to give a perception of action where there is none*

Towel theifs

Post 72

Dizzy H. Muffin

I was under the impression that Darth was a title, not a name.

And that was an illusion whose hand you cut off. [hacks the left blade of Daft Vader's lightsaber, rendering it inoperable]

[parry, parry, block, swing, parry, swing, LUNGE! And miss completely]

Towel theifs

Post 73

The blob

*pulls out sharp rubber band*

you will join us or die

*decides he can't wait that long and pings rubber band at YK*

Towel theifs

Post 74

Jacculus of Rome

[It deflects off the wall and hits Jacculus' arm]


Towel theifs

Post 75

Dizzy H. Muffin

Yes, my reflexes are fast to the point of getting out of the way of a moving rubber band. [A Gastly floats in and zaps its tongue at YK's lightsaber, only to find that said tongue is now in YK's hand] Don't do that again. [The Gastly says, "Ueaugh!" in alarm, gets free, and flies away]

Towel theifs

Post 76

The blob

i shall now use the deadliest weapon in my arse..nal.

*pulls out tub of pocket lint*

take that you fetid gruntbuggly,

*lobs lint at YK*

*commentator steps into the room* How can our heroes survive this situation? Will the dumb but possibly evil Blob kill them all?
Find out in the next thrilling episode of.urgghllpnarrrmin....... *the commentator or narrative guy gets hit by the lint*


Towel theifs

Post 77

The blob

i shall now use the deadliest weapon in my arse..nal.

*pulls out tub of pocket lint*

take that you fetid gruntbuggly,

*lobs lint at YK*

*commentator steps into the room* How can our heroes survive this situation? Will the dumb but possibly evil Blob kill them all?
Find out in the next thrilling episode of.urgghllpnarrrmin....... *the commentator or narrative guy gets hit by the lint*


Towel theifs

Post 78

The blob

hey i seem to be stuck in some sort of time loop

Towel theifs

Post 79

The blob

hey i seem to be stuck in some sort of time loop

Towel theifs

Post 80

Dizzy H. Muffin

Uh-oh... this seems to be contagious!


How should /l/ know!?

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