This is the Message Centre for The blob

Towel theifs

Post 41

Jacculus of Rome


Anyone else? blob?

Towel theifs

Post 42

Dizzy H. Muffin

It would seem that there are only two bozos at the computer in this forum.

Towel theifs

Post 43

The blob

sorry, i was sat in the corner going zootlewurdle

zootlewurdle zootlewurdle

Towel theifs

Post 44

Dizzy H. Muffin

Check that: /three/ bozos at the computer.

Towel theifs

Post 45

Jacculus of Rome

* Divides neatly in half, replicating tissues to form two Jacculi

*FOUR* bozos!

Towel theifs

Post 46

Dizzy H. Muffin

Er, how much of us are needed to make a load?

Towel theifs

Post 47

Jacculus of Rome

A load?

Of what?

A washing machine?

Towel theifs

Post 48

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Another YK races in and says, "A load of useless bloody loonies!"]

Er, oh. This is Spirit Week in my school, today is Twin Day*, and I decided to clone myself. It took too long.

[*Twin Day actually means two friends dress identically.]

Towel theifs

Post 49

The blob

as many bozos as it takes to work out there are bozos

or in other words one or upwards

Towel theifs

Post 50

Dizzy H. Muffin

Or downwards. smiley - smiley

Towel theifs

Post 51

Jacculus of Rome

Or indeed sideways smiley - smiley

Towel theifs

Post 52

Dizzy H. Muffin

Didn't we just leave this party?

Towel theifs

Post 53

Jacculus of Rome


Towel theifs

Post 54

The blob

all i can say in this matter is "why don't we all go out clubbing or indeed bring the club here?" but that won't make much sense to anyone higher up the evoloutionary ladder than a demented bee.


Towel theifs

Post 55

Dizzy H. Muffin

Or a lurgid bee. smiley - bigeyes

And you already said zootlewurdle.

Towel theifs

Post 56

Jacculus of Rome

And,no doubt,will say it again.

Towel theifs

Post 57

Dizzy H. Muffin


Towel theifs

Post 58

Jacculus of Rome


Towel theifs

Post 59

Dizzy H. Muffin


is my equivalent to "Oh ah." It invites someone to respond without actually contributing anything. And "Oh ah" takes more effort.

Towel theifs

Post 60

The blob

*attempts to crush YK's head with stupidity and fails miserably*

the force is nonexistent in this one

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