This is the Message Centre for The blob

Towel theifs

Post 21

Jacculus of Rome

Looks quizzically at Tim before hurling large explosive at him.


Smiles happily amid the falling scraps of masonry

Towel theifs

Post 22

TimJ (ACE)

*is puzzled at the sudden dissapearance of body, and then sees head in several places around room*


Oh well, I do like the omniprescent style!

smiley - smiley

Towel theifs

Post 23

Jacculus of Rome

* Drops through floor, which is suddenly rendered insubstantial

Towel theifs

Post 24

Dizzy H. Muffin

[They find themselves in a rainbow-colored tunnel] Cool!

Towel theifs

Post 25

TimJ (ACE)

*Turns on heal and retreats into distance, grey cloak flowing*

*Evil Laughter*

Towel theifs

Post 26

Dizzy H. Muffin

Oh, a bad feeling about this I have, mm? Nyuck nyuck nyuck nyuck!

Towel theifs

Post 27

Jacculus of Rome

* Returns riding a small but friendly comet.

Towel theifs

Post 28

Dizzy H. Muffin

[jumps up, realizes that he's in a zero-gravity situation, and starts tumbling head-over-heels, which is an odd expression as one's head usually is over one's heels] D'OH!

Towel theifs

Post 29

Jacculus of Rome

* Rides through opposite wall and comes back with 3 asteroids

Towel theifs

Post 30

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Homer-Simpson-sounding yelp of alarm]

Towel theifs

Post 31

Jacculus of Rome

* Hurls alarm clock at the Blob to wake him up.

Towel theifs

Post 32

Dizzy H. Muffin

I think he's forgotten about this forum.

Towel theifs

Post 33

The blob


Towel theifs

Post 34

Dizzy H. Muffin

[unflappably] Hi.

Towel theifs

Post 35

Jacculus of Rome

yeah,hi blob

Towel theifs

Post 36

Dizzy H. Muffin

Jac, what do you intend to do with those asteroids?

Towel theifs

Post 37

Jacculus of Rome


* whirls one experimentallly round head

No, maybe not that.Um...

*Raises staff. Bowling alley appears stretching into the distance, the pins infinitesimal spots at the end of it.
* Bowls asteroid...

Towel theifs

Post 38

Dizzy H. Muffin

I see. Icy.

Towel theifs

Post 39

Jacculus of Rome

Care to join me for a game?

* proffers other asteroid *

Towel theifs

Post 40

Dizzy H. Muffin

[watches the asteroid Jac had thrown score a strike]

No thanks...

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