Al Oof

Welcome visitors! I don't know why you're at my page, but welcome anyway. One day maybe I'll write a guide entry. Why don't I reveal a little about myself, eh?

I live in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NYC, NY state, USA. I've only lived here since december, and I'll move before july, but it's a really really nice place. However, everything you've heard about housing in nyc is true, so while the place is nice, it's also pricey. If anyone has any suggestions (besides crime sprees, which I've thought of) on how to end the insane real estate crap in this city, please let me know. I feel like moving to a cheaper city is like giving up.

My roomate is crazy. Aside from that, he watches wrestling. A lot. He watches tapes of wrestling. He's really into The Rock and Mankind. I can't watch a little wrestling, but I'd rather watch, say, Mr. Show. Which is of course not on, not that I have cable anyway. Something else my roomate watches in Dawson's Creek. However, I can't say anything about that because I am an avid watcher of the Creek myself. Judge me as you will.

Originally, I'm from Westchester County, just north of the Bronx. Technically, my town is supposed to be a suburb of Yonkers, 3rd largest city in NYS, but since Yonkers itself is a suburb of NYC, Eastchester (where I'm from, a town inside the county of Westchester, don't get confused) is normally considered a NYC suburb. Dig? Eastchester is about 2 miles square but has 24,000 citizens. Half the population is over 65. We all know that people that old like to live 12,000 to the square mile, which explains the population density.

I've lived in "the city" for about 4 and half years (give or take a summer at home) since I started school, an endeavor I have since completed, though you probably couldn't tell that from looking at me. In fact, the way I dress and the way I probably smell, I think when most people look at me they think I'm probably a teenage runaway.

for another day or so, I work in the internet porn industry. After that, your guess is as good as mine.

I have a lot of "hobbies" though I don't get around to most of them. I kind of just sit around thinking about how I'd like to do them. I'm writing some comic books (though I can't draw), I like film a lot (I went to film school, but the professional hours suck), I play bass in two bands (I sing in one). One is emo (though we like to say emo-core so we sound tougher) and the other is pop-punk (though we like to point out our pseudo-political lyrics so we sound tougher). I like to read about serial killers and other such mayhem. I like to watch movies a _lot_. Oh, and I watch a lot of tv. You could say tv is my drug of choice. I've been watching less now because I don't have cable though. I care about a lot of political things, but I'm far from "active". I spend a lot of time arguing on the internet. I am also extremely lazy and pretty damn shy. What you might call painfully shy even.

I think maybe I will write more later. I am very tired.


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Al Oof

Researcher U110341


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