Journal Entries

No hope for Hereford yet

Way above you, fine reader is a drop box of my fave guide entries. If you have read the entry on Hereford's traffice system, you'll understand why i'm writing this...
The bus I was on this morning broke. To be more specific, the driveshaft snapped, and the exhaust came loose. So apart from crawling into town at 5mph and listening to *BONK BONK SCCCRAAAAAAPEEE for an hour, I had to put up with miserable bus driver who carried on as if nothing happened.
And to top it off, he talked to the other two ladies on the bus as to what the problem was, but when I asked a question as to why the bus got in this condition, I WAS IGNORED!!!
It's a funny old thing, life...

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Latest reply: Mar 22, 2000

How to misuse your journal

It's a common mistake among people to put guide entries in their journal. Just look below for my mistakes smiley - smiley
But hang on, this is more of a guide entry than a journal entry...

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Latest reply: Mar 17, 2000

Top 5 Guitarists

Well, it had to be done sooner or later. Feel free to go to to add your opinions!
A big thanks to Mike A for setting it up. Cheers!!!

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Latest reply: Feb 6, 2000


AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. After waiting three months for an add on for a computer game, and painstakingly following its progress from day one, I go to the shops to buy the magazine thats meant to have it and IT'S NOT THERE. Despite the creator telling me that it was three weeks ago!

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Latest reply: Jan 19, 2000

Dire Straits (Rock Band)

Dire Straits, taking their name from their early financial status, are not well known but have done some impressive work. They were part of the trend in the 80's which was taking the world by stealth. Other good examples are Genesis, Chris Rea, Mike & The Mechanics and Pop Tarts.
The man in the middle is Mark Knopfler, he has a unique style of playing the guitar which involves plucking (thats PLUCKING ladies and gentlemen) the guitar like a bango.
Starting off in 1979, their style starting off as moody blues, and then dabbling in all kinds of musical styles. What ever way your musical preferences are, Dire Straits have probably done a single in that style.

How to be a Dire Straits fan:
1. Spell Dire Straits like dIRE sTRAITS
2. Be very moody
3. Pronounce most of their songs in a shortened way i.e Sultans of Swing = Sultans, Brothers in Arms = Brothers
4. When playing air guitar, strum your thigh and shut your eyes
5. Have a very open mind
6. Realise that everybody is entitled to an opionion but they are all wrong.
7. Understand the fundamental concept the opinions are like belly buttons, we all have one but they don't hold much water.

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Latest reply: Jan 18, 2000

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Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

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