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Birthday plans

Okay, it's a month early... but I had a flash of inspiration of what I want to do on my birthday and h2g2 is prettier than Windows Notepad... smiley - winkeye

1. Donate blood
2. Get very drunk
3. Curry (edible, not electrical superstore)
4. Back to my house
5. Drunken karaoké (the only way)
6. Pass out at home, preferably in bath tub

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Latest reply: Aug 16, 2000

Can I borrow a scanner? pleeeease?

I really need some new pics to go up... I don't look the same person with the beard... But can I afford a scanner? No.
I suppose i'll just have to ask Mr Hazmandoo to scan some in... although most of the photo's taken of me involve me dancing with my shirt undone... I don't want to be thrown off h2g2.... smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Aug 12, 2000

The Key to Immortality!!!

Yes! Ladies and gentlemen... A few others... I have found the key to Immortality!
I fear a few may doubt me... But I will you them...



There it is! The tilde key (`)
(Anybody who has played first person shooters will know what I mean) smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Aug 2, 2000


Yup... *Drums fingers... Flicks through a few Grant Naylor books (the guide is out on loan at the mo) and starts to doodle*
Now, you know I need help... I'm sitting here drawing a Pikachu from memory... I also see Onix everytime I look at the clouds... Is the weather getting to me or something?
'Why bored?' I hear you cry... Well, look at my forums... (WARNING: PERSONAL VIEWS AHEAD, PLEASE ACCEPT THIS IS MY OPINION) I've almost given up on the new Bond film due to the influx of bad guys and a lack of constraints... I know there is nothing and there shouldn't be anything to prevent people from posting to forums, but I wish people would not just barge in and post a pile of s**t. It happened in the saving the galaxy thread and to a lesser extent in the S-Files... Maybe the guide has changed, maybe i've changed... but something has happened and has made me realise that the guide is not the happy place it was when I joined...
I'm spending more and more time on ICQ nowadays and I just hope that whatever the problem is will sort itself out, otherwise I may not be posting here in the future...

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Latest reply: Jul 29, 2000

Oooooh... Another update...

Wow... This must prove that people actually do maintain the site and take action on certain problems... Although i'm still always being logged in as [email protected] (Dave, whoever you are, sorry, but don't worry.. i've resisted temptation... smiley - winkeye)
Strange week really... Alton Towers on Sunday, started work on Monday, and still managing to put in 6hrs a night on the PC... Now that's what I call dedication!!! smiley - smiley
Although I seem to have contracted ULOFPTM (Unknown Lack Of Forum Posts To Me) smiley - sadface
What is it people? *sniffs armpits* Aaaah... Physio Sport fresh... Is it just I now smell as well as look like a lemon? smiley - winkeye

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Latest reply: Jul 25, 2000

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Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

Researcher U109137

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