Journal Entries
Posted Oct 17, 2005
This journal entery is about me, and i'm only putting it here so I can have it down in words to make sense of it. That being said, I won't stop you posting on it or anything.
Anyway, the point is that basically recently I have been feeling depressed. Probably due to the fact that exams are quickly closing in, and I'm sick, but also, I believe, it is because I am missing having someone *special* in my life. The last girl I went out with was a YEAR ago, though it was for 2 months. I actually had really strong feelings for her, although I didn't let her know how much because I had to protect her. She was going through a tough time in her life, and that would have just confused her more. Anyway, it ended when I refused to lay her, being a 'good boy'. Anyway, she shortly after got kicked out of her house and now lives quite far away. Why is her business, so I won't put it here. I still have strong feelings for her, but she is my friend and if she knew, she would not want anything to do with me. Trust me, I know her. I just miss having her there; hell, I miss having anyone there. I just want.... i just....
.......I just want someone to love again.
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Latest reply: Oct 17, 2005
Cadet Forces
Posted Jul 27, 2005
I am a member of the Cadet Forces. Actually I am a Sea Cadet.
On Tuesday evening, NZ time, I will be promoted to the rank of Leading Cadet, which is equivilent to Corporal in the Air Training Corps and Army Cadets.
That'll be fun, finally I will have enough rank at JNCo (Junior Non Commisioned Officer) to order people around.
My mates are mostly higher than me, but they're all good. All my unit's NCO's like me but Greenfield, but he's annoying so I ignore him except if he's in charge. We are also soon going on a camp. Most my friends in that unit are a lower rank, only two are higher.
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Latest reply: Jul 27, 2005
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