Omicron's Research Centre

Welcome to the research centre of Omicron, your friendly neighbourhood Guru(and yes, I am from India!).

Who am I?

My real name was lost in the mists of hyperspace eons ago, so I tend to stick with Omicron, at least out on the rolling plains of h2g2. I'm 16 Earth years old, though I prefer to measure time in terms of Galactic rotations - makes it a lot easier to keep track of birthdays, and all - speaking of which, mine's on the 19th day of December. Currently I'm still studying...At the moment I'm in the 11th standard, which is what we out here call Junior College and I suppose the Americans call high school...I'm into science fiction, not to mention science itself, and am known among my friends for being the weirdest guy alive(well, what do they know?). Of course, being able to scare people off by waxing eloquent on the finer points of quantum field theory and superstrings has its advantages!

If you happen to be a dreamer like me, perhaps you can imagine that one day the Guide probably will be remodelled in the same tradition as the original one in the original Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the book by Douglas Adams).A281486 to see what the h2g2 art team has imagined the Guide's future to be like. Long live the Guide!

And never forget, my favourite line, not to mention a perfect summary of my personal philosophy -"What do you care what other people think?"

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Omicron - Master of Hyperspace and Chanter of arcane superstring equations

Researcher U105457

Work Edited by h2g2


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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