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ID | Title | Created |
A394391 | Queen Anne | Jul 15, 2000 |
A393879 | Queen Victoria's Children and the Royalty of Europe | Jul 14, 2000 |
A393851 | Margaret of York | Jul 14, 2000 |
A393842 | Juana (la Loca) of Castille | Jul 14, 2000 |
A346376 | Cocktails Named After Stars | Jul 13, 2000 |
A292051 | Weebles | Jul 7, 2000 |
A301825 | A75 Stranraer to Gretna Trunk Road | Jul 6, 2000 |
A354782 | International Dining Etiquette | Jul 5, 2000 |
A330814 | Kings of Kent - from Eorcenbehrt to Ealhmund | Jul 5, 2000 |
A330878 | BYOB | Jul 4, 2000 |
A348103 | Egbert - King of Wessex | Jul 3, 2000 |
A330797 | Just a Minute - the Radio Programme | Jun 30, 2000 |
A347762 | 'Blue Peter' - the TV Series | Jun 28, 2000 |
A378731 | Handy Tips on Planning a Wedding | Jun 26, 2000 |
A320310 | London Monarchs | Jun 26, 2000 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."