This is the Message Centre for third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

Welcome back

Post 1


Welcome back my old friend! smiley - smiley
There've been a couple changes since you were last here, so I'll do all I can to help get things working great again.
I see that, like me, you have to change your drop down list code. It's now:

Put this before the numbers:

function goLink(link,win)
if (link != '0') {
if (win[0].checked == "1")
// -->

and after, put this:

use THIS window use NEW window

Okay? smiley - smiley
If it doesn't work - let me know, and I'll try and figure out what;s wrong. smiley - smiley


Welcome back

Post 2


Oh, and believe it or not, the new who's on line code is:

Click here to see who's online

(although you can change the message in the middle) Have you seen the new smiley? smiley - tongueout

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