This is the Message Centre for Zanne
Harpy Bidet
some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one Started conversation May 30, 2000
Happy Birthday, Apollo.
o o o o °
Patron Saint of Brevity
Harpy Bidet
Lost in Scotland Posted May 30, 2000
Darn it! The guy with the not so very short, catchy name beat me to the birthday wishing with ten minutes!
Well, Happy birthday to ya anyways. Hope you have a good one.
Harpy Bidet
Zanne Posted Jun 25, 2000
Thanks. Sorry the reply is a bit late forgot I was a member and well was doing GCSE revision. enjoying Glastonbury?
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Harpy Bidet
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